VirtueMart Forum

VirtueMart 2 + 3 + 4 => Administration & Configuration => Topic started by: bdimov on October 09, 2013, 11:07:14 AM

Title: "Call for price" form is not working
Post by: bdimov on October 09, 2013, 11:07:14 AM

Today I found that "Call for price" is not working.
I use:
Joomla: 2.5.14
VM: 2.0.20a

When I clicl the button it is appear a windows with information. I fill all and when I click "Send your question" then told me that:
Oops, you've encountered an error 500
It appears the page you were looking for doesn't exist. Sorry about that.

So how to fix that problem?

Best Regards
Title: Re: "Call for price" form is not working
Post by: jenkinhill on October 09, 2013, 11:17:05 AM
Check the server error logs for the reason for your 500 error. And you should update your VirtueMart as the version you are using is known to be insecure.
Title: Re: "Call for price" form is not working
Post by: bdimov on October 09, 2013, 14:47:24 PM
I know it but I don't update after 2.0.22a because there is a problem with menu in product view.
I will attach you a screenshot to see what is wrong when I update to 2.0.24 and update after that AIO.

This is a screenshot after I updated it.
I'm in some category in shop and you will see that the logo is missing...
The main menu is screwed up and does not show as it should.

Title: Re: "Call for price" form is not working
Post by: jenkinhill on October 09, 2013, 14:55:51 PM
That looks like a menu or template assignment issue. Check config/shopfront settings for "Select the default template for your Shop" and for "Category Template"
Title: Re: "Call for price" form is not working
Post by: bdimov on October 09, 2013, 15:14:51 PM
Thank you jenkinhill, now the problem with menus are fixed.

So I test now with new virtuemart 2.0.24 this Call for price and now tell me that:
Function disabled

I check in the configuration and when disable it the "Call for price" text dissapeared but when I enable that function it is show again... and the question is why when it is enable and I write in the form all things after send the form is this problem:
"Function disabled"
Title: Re: "Call for price" form is not working
Post by: bdimov on October 10, 2013, 16:03:59 PM
So anyone know how to fix that problem?
Title: Re: "Call for price" form is not working
Post by: Maxim Pishnyak on October 10, 2013, 19:32:45 PM
Title: Re: "Call for price" form is not working
Post by: bdimov on October 10, 2013, 21:05:52 PM

This is the site.
You can test it with different languages.

Just go to product without price and use this "Call for price".

Best Regards
Title: Re: "Call for price" form is not working
Post by: Maxim Pishnyak on October 10, 2013, 22:11:53 PM
Somewhere 'only for registered' option was choosed.
Title: Re: "Call for price" form is not working
Post by: bdimov on October 10, 2013, 23:35:15 PM

I check:
-Configuration in VM2
-Shop in VM2
-Global configuration in Joomla
-Users configuration in Joomla
And there is nothing about this "only for registered".

When I log in with my account(Super User) there is the same problem with "Function disabled"...
Do you have any idea?
Title: Re: "Call for price" form is not working
Post by: Maxim Pishnyak on October 11, 2013, 09:41:36 AM
Pm me access, I'll take a look.
Title: Re: "Call for price" form is not working
Post by: bdimov on October 11, 2013, 11:39:34 AM
I write you a pm with access to site!
Title: Re: "Call for price" form is not working
Post by: Maxim Pishnyak on October 11, 2013, 13:20:35 PM
'Allow non logged to send questions' was turned off.
Title: Re: "Call for price" form is not working
Post by: bdimov on October 11, 2013, 14:50:10 PM

I see that you turned it on but again I cannot send this form.
I test it with my user and without login and it is the same problem:
Function disabled....

Do you try it after turn on the "Allow non logged to send questions" ?
Title: Re: "Call for price" form is not working
Post by: Maxim Pishnyak on October 11, 2013, 18:52:45 PM
It could problem with your template overrides.

I press "Call" but I see "Ask" form instead.
Title: Re: "Call for price" form is not working
Post by: bdimov on October 12, 2013, 20:26:24 PM
I don't change anything in template files and etc...

Do you have any idea about this template overrides?