VirtueMart Forum

VirtueMart 2 + 3 + 4 => Installation, Migration & Upgrade => Topic started by: stensbo on September 03, 2013, 14:21:05 PM

Title: SOLVED Template disappear after upgrade from 2.0.22 to 2.0.22b
Post by: stensbo on September 03, 2013, 14:21:05 PM
Using Joomla 2.5.11, Multi language, Beez20 copy template,  vm-css - category and product page override.

Joomla site is live - -  but vm shop will only be for registered shopper. Just testing and modifying with a few categories and products.

I did the manual update with 2.0.22b extract first targz - first and then aio and then update plugin tables.
After update and you enter a category my template disappear - header menu - footer. Category and product are displayed but with wrong font.

Tried to enable Beez 20 template but it is the same. What did I do wrong ?
I don't have a backup ( I know) - can I go back to 2.0.22a if I just overwrite the files with that version?

Title: Re: Template disappear after upgrade from 2.0.22 to 2.0.22b
Post by: jenkinhill on September 03, 2013, 15:09:40 PM
Probably a Joomla module/menu language issue. Are your Joomla menu items set up in all the languages used?
Title: Re: Template disappear after upgrade from 2.0.22 to 2.0.22b
Post by: stensbo on September 03, 2013, 15:44:38 PM
I have a main menu ALL (unpublis) - main menu DK  - main menu SE and some other menus/item for DK. The "Forhandler" menu that some vm modules are shown in is set to ALL.  In vm config I only have one language DK. All vm modules is set to language ALL.
Title: Re: Template disappear after upgrade from 2.0.22 to 2.0.22b
Post by: franzpeter on September 03, 2013, 16:16:39 PM
Sorry, I do not completely understand that. You have a website with danish and swedish language. You have two main menus, one for danish and one for swedish. And you did configure your shop with both languages? If you log in as administrator into Joomla backend, call the Virtuemart component and there the tab->Shop, what does it show in the language configuration. Are both languages there or do you want for example that VM just use one language?
Title: Re: Template disappear after upgrade from 2.0.22 to 2.0.22b
Post by: stensbo on September 03, 2013, 16:30:43 PM
No I did not config it with both language. At the moment I only want to use 1 language DK.
Virtuemart config under  tab-> shop = DK
Title: Re: Template disappear after upgrade from 2.0.22 to 2.0.22b
Post by: stensbo on September 03, 2013, 17:03:23 PM
And it was all working i virtuemart version 2.0.22
Title: Re: Template disappear after upgrade from 2.0.22 to 2.0.22b
Post by: jenkinhill on September 03, 2013, 17:13:31 PM
There is an important need to upgrade to 2.0.22c now:
Title: Re: Template disappear after upgrade from 2.0.22 to 2.0.22b
Post by: stensbo on September 03, 2013, 17:51:10 PM
I did the upgrade to Virtuemart 2.0.22c - nothing has changed - still no template
Title: Re: Template disappear after upgrade from 2.0.22 to 2.0.22b
Post by: jjk on September 03, 2013, 22:39:56 PM
Difficult to tell what your problem might be without being able to click through your frontend. What I can see is that your homepage and the link (not working) to the login module do have english language tags. Combined with your description in your first post in this thread, it is likely that you somehow messed up the Joomla multilanguage configuration. So at first I would recommmend to compare your language settings with the Joomla tutorial provided here:

Make shure that all icons in the 'Multilingual Status' view are all green.
Title: Re: Template disappear after upgrade from 2.0.22 to 2.0.22b
Post by: stensbo on September 04, 2013, 00:55:32 AM
I understand  - menu link to login module only works from DK page.
The multilang_tutorial was the one I followed to setup Joomla categories and menus from start.

I did check the Multilingual status and here we have a 'red one'  :(  in en-GB ( forgot to mention that en-GB was here to - sorry) - default homepage for en-GB is missing and I don't have a language switch modul for GB.  Actually I don't want to use en_GB - I just thought it was needed for the enabled "use English where string is not translated" under config tab-> shop. Do I have to unpublish en-GB or....?

Well it is good night time in DK - thanks to all for your help today I will go
through the multilanguage setup tomorrow.
Title: Re: Template disappear after upgrade from 2.0.22 to 2.0.22b
Post by: stensbo on September 05, 2013, 17:50:53 PM
Using Joomla 2.5.14  VM 2.0.22c

Went through the multi language setup - now I have 3 language and 'Multilingual Status' view are all green.

Still no template when I enter a category - using phoca dtree - if I enter all categories ( in top of dtree) template do not disappear.

Have added a test shopper and it would be great if any of you wants to click through the shop

username: test 
password: test
Title: Re: Template disappear after upgrade from 2.0.22 to 2.0.22b
Post by: Maxim Pishnyak on September 05, 2013, 19:10:45 PM
Title: Re: Template disappear after upgrade from 2.0.22 to 2.0.22b
Post by: stensbo on September 05, 2013, 21:41:25 PM
Title: Re: Template disappear after upgrade from 2.0.22 to 2.0.22b
Post by: PATSXM971 on September 06, 2013, 05:15:33 AM
Hi stensbo,

try to go to
configuration / configuration / template tab
and set default to (maybe not all options are necessary ; please change step by step, check and report)

hope it helps

source : french language VirtueMart forum
Title: Re: Template disappear after upgrade from 2.0.22 to 2.0.22b
Post by: stensbo on September 06, 2013, 12:21:28 PM

My settings :

•template for your shop = my template (default template for my Joomla site)
•category template= my template
•Layout for your home page= no override

step 1 : set template for your shop = Use Joomla default = not working

step 2 : template for your shop = Use Joomla default
             set category template = Use Joomla default  = WORKING  :)

I though my template (default template for my Joomla site - a real copy of beez20) and  Joomla default was the same..

Thanks to you all  - I will mark this topic as SOLVED  8)
Title: Re: SOLVED Template disappear after upgrade from 2.0.22 to 2.0.22b
Post by: PATSXM971 on September 07, 2013, 12:22:14 PM
My pleasure!
And thank you for your report  :)
Title: Re: SOLVED Template disappear after upgrade from 2.0.22 to 2.0.22b
Post by: Milbo on September 08, 2013, 15:19:51 PM
This issue is fixed in the version D. Vm2 uses now styles and not templates anylonger... so we can load them with params.