VirtueMart Forum

VirtueMart 2 + 3 + 4 => Product creation => Topic started by: BSSennenhonden on August 07, 2013, 13:41:32 PM

Title: Child products always visible? Child shows options list of parent?
Post by: BSSennenhonden on August 07, 2013, 13:41:32 PM
After creating parents and children, I could only get rid of the children in category view by removing the category in all children. To me this sounds crazy, but what needs to be done, needs to be done. Now I have made a complete list of brands (manufacturers) for my shop and it was a shock to see that on chosing a manufacturer, suddenly all child products appear in search results. I know I can fix this, by removing all manufacturers in child products, but that sounds even more crazy.

But look at what happens when a customer selects a child product this way, say product a in size XL. Shocked to see the dropdown menus of the parent in this child product, even more shocked that it is possible to choose a different size, say S. Then click 'add to cart' and what do you get in your cart? Yes...... product A in size XL, with option size S. Cunfusion all over, not only with me, but with customers too. What product did the customer mean to buy? Size XL or size S? When showing child products, it should NOT be possible to choose other options within this child.

I need all child products to have their own prices and stock. Only in a parent it should be able to choose variations. And children should not be visible in frontend, not in categories, not through manufacturer selection, not via SEO links. VM can't seem to work as I need it to work.

VM 1 worked okay, I have spent a mass of time in VM 2 a year ago and again now, but it just doesn't work the way it should. To me it still is a surprise that people actually have live sites with VM2. Maybe my shop is just too complex for VM.
Title: Re: Child products always visible? Child shows options list of parent?
Post by: Maxim Pishnyak on August 09, 2013, 13:01:38 PM
To really help you I probably need a link and ... a censored version of your post.

I'm not psychiatrist. And when you are saying that you're crazy (twice), I feel myself non competent to help you in a such sad case.

Title: Re: Child products always visible? Child shows options list of parent?
Post by: BSSennenhonden on August 09, 2013, 13:22:13 PM
I cannot give you a link for this shop is not online. And I'm not going to put it online as long as it is not functioning properly. I think the problems are presented clear enough, anyone with parent/childproducts who uses a list of manufacturers should be able to reproduce these problems.

And... in response to the second part of your reply......... my psychiatrist advised me to switch to Magento, so I did  :) I have given up this VM2 struggle which lasted a year and a half.

(PS: I didn't say I was crazy, I said VM looked crazy to me.......)
Title: Re: Child products always visible? Child shows options list of parent?
Post by: Maxim Pishnyak on August 09, 2013, 13:58:25 PM
You ran away from resolving your issue in VM so I'm happy cos my presence in this thread is not necessary any more.
Title: Re: Child products always visible? Child shows options list of parent?
Post by: BSSennenhonden on August 09, 2013, 14:08:01 PM
I ran away because after a year and a half of only questions which no one seems to be able to anser (not only in this forum but in dutch forums as well) I can no longer wait for VM2 to mature.

To answer my question you don't need a link. The problem is clear, anyone who would want to, could reproduce it. I am just surprised - again - that no one seems to have discoverd these problems before.
Title: Re: Child products always visible? Child shows options list of parent?
Post by: Maxim Pishnyak on August 09, 2013, 14:37:29 PM
Quote from: Maxim Pishnyak on August 09, 2013, 14:37:02 PM
Quote from: BSSennenhonden on August 09, 2013, 14:08:01 PM
I ran away because after a year and a half of only questions which no one seems to be able to anser (not only in this forum but in dutch forums as well) I can no longer wait for VM2 to mature.
Well, you know, issues could happens. But how we deal with them could show who are we are. Running away is still a solution I must admit.

"A year", - you are saying. I don't own time machine, but I have power to say: "Let's work today here and now, to make future better".
Title: Re: Child products always visible? Child shows options list of parent?
Post by: BSSennenhonden on August 09, 2013, 14:55:18 PM
I'm not quoting my reply in the other topic again here. This is not a game.
Title: Re: Child products always visible? Child shows options list of parent?
Post by: Maxim Pishnyak on August 09, 2013, 21:06:07 PM