Hello is it possible to display the total number of the products that someone order in cart page and in the order details?
For example:
Product 1 5 quantity
Product 2 10 quantity
Product3 5 quantity
The number will be 20
You would need to create your own view
You should use this code in place where you want to display it.
It shows number of items in cart or information "You don't have any items in the cart."
$array = unserialize($_SESSION['__vm']['vmcart']);
if (count($array->products) > 0) {
foreach($array->products as $product){
$amount = $product->amount;
echo "You have $amount item(s) in the cart.";
} else {
echo "You don't have any items in the cart.";
Thank you very much that was what i was looking for ;)