Deal Of The Day - VirtuemartThis module is created to show the exciting deal you have for your customers, to show on the home page or any page you wish to show them by highlighting it.
This module allows you to increase your sales by giving visibility of the special offers.
Deal of the Day Feature:
- The module take one product from "specials" and display for 24 hours as Deal of the Day. 24 hours is default time, can be value. The administrator setup the end of the deal; date and time
- If the quantity is 0(zero) then a new product is taken from specials and the counter is restarted (24 hours)
- The "Deal Of the day" section (eCommerce website – front end) will contain a box where are displayed:
image of the product taken from database (link to the details product page) - short description (truncated at 250 words and read more – link to the details product page)
- the countdown (to the moment when this offer will expire)
- quantity left (if it is setup to be displayed, it is taken from the database)
- BUY NOW button (link to the details product page)
- If the product has reached to the expiry of the deal, it will automatically select next soon ending deal product to show up (if available any).
Demo can be seen here : (
Purchase / Download from here (
Joomla Compatibility : Joomla 1.5, Joomla 2.5
VirtueMart Compatibility : VirtueMart 1, VirtueMart 2
Documentation how to use/setup this module available here (
If You need any help or
facing issues, please do not hesitate to open a support thread here (