I have a serious problem regarding the cart. If I for example have a product with one in stock the customer can order more than one. If the customer write 2 in the cart there will be a message telling that we are out of stock, but if the customer selects the add to cart button twice, the product will be added to the cart without any problems.
This will also be an issue when two customers selects the same product into the carts before one of them finish the order. It is urgent for us to be able to fix this. It is not good to tell the customer that we are out of stock even if he managed to order the product.
Hope there is a solution to this. What I want is that when the customer put the product into the cart it will be booked for a defined time or something like that.
Which version of virtuemart are you using?
sorry, forgot to tell.
we are using:
jomla 2.5.6
vm 2.0.10
On your first question with VM 2.0.10 when i have a product in stock with 2 items and i try to add more or try to add one by one using add to cart multiply items i receive a message that the maximum number have been reached and i cannot add more products. For making this to work i have change from the BE under Configuration -> Shopfront in the area Action when a Product is Out of Stock the option Displays 'Notify Me' instead of 'Add To Cart' button ... in any case when the product is out of stock or if the product already added twice in the cart i am not able to add more with no way...
So this is working normally, just adjust your shop settings.
As for your second question the only way to avoid this is to create a custom plugin that works a long way different. When you add a product in the cart have to do with the current session and not with the database (db is not updated), so until someone checkouts successfully the stock or the inventory cannot be change (this is right).
Please read that post that have some ideas regarding to a similar request: http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=106681.0
Last keep in mind that ALL the eshop /cart systems works like that!! Because someone can add something to the cart and never buy it and at the same time an other customer navigates and cannot see that product availability cause of that and thinks that the product is out of stock but it is not!
Hope it helps you out