After I have installed Virtuemart how to I configure it so that I can see it on the website? Simple Question, Basically what do I need to do what do I need to check or uncheck or what code do I need to move where so I can see the fully functional shop on the website I am working on.
Right now I have Virtuemart Installed but I don't see it on the website, here is the website I am working on. http://www.silverbullionandmore.com/
Thank you in advance for answering this question.
Best Regards,
I think first you should take a look in joomla how is working http://docs.joomla.org/Beginners
As for the VM you could look here:
First you will need to publish a menu on your web site for vm homepage.
Okay Thank You
Beginner's manual and installation/setup guide (Virtuemart-30-Minute-QuickStart-Standalone-Guide) are available on http://oscmanuals.com/virtuemart-fdm-26.html