Hi All,
I have a site that I have just migrated from J1.5 / VM1.1. I had customised some of the core functions to integrate with a web service that provides authorisation to purchase certain products and then the electronic delivery of those products. This was done as a 2 stage process, checking for a valid membership when the customer tried to add the product to the basket, then sending the order information when the order status was changed to confirmed.
I need to rebuild the integration so that it can work with VM2. I presume that i will need to create 2 plugins, one for the authorisation and another for the delivery of the order information to the web service.
We have the web service calls separated out, so it should simply be a case of plugging in to the event hooks and activating the existing code.
The issue is that I'm a bit stuck on where to start and which hooks are available to me.
Is there anyone here that could give me a kick in the right direction? or perhaps there's a how-to out there somewhere that I've not found.
Thanks in advance