Actually I an very lucky with VM2 SEF but i need to provide some additional data inside the URL like brand, SKU etc.
I have studied router.php but i did not found final URL creation procedure.
Please guide me with this question.
Thank You.
Hello once again.
I was not right about router.php. All the stuff is generated there. So As for me the easiest way is to change the slug of product-detail/category.
It can be done using simple sql update/manually editing product alias.
Now I see all slugs are generated a bit in in-proper way (I use russian-translit and it's table is generated with some mistakes). Please help me to find where this translit table is and how to append/edit it (in joomla translit table $glyph_array everyting is OK).
Actually I cannot understand where actually the slug is being generated to customize it's creation for my needs if it is possible.