VirtueMart Forum

VirtueMart 2 + 3 + 4 => 3rd party extension => Topic started by: nordmograph on May 17, 2012, 23:29:02 PM

Title: VM tags - Tags for your VM3+ products
Post by: nordmograph on May 17, 2012, 23:29:02 PM
Enhance your Virtuemart business and SEO with this simple yet powerfull product tags and tagcloud feature.
Our solution uses
- a component to display a tag results. It shows and paginates products for a specific tag with thumbnail, name, description, category and tags.
- a Search plugin for Joomla and VM searches to search through product tags
- a tagcloud module displaying tags with different font size according to their occurances.

Demo & Download:
Title: Re: VM2 tags - Tags for your VM2 products
Post by: gpessoa on November 27, 2012, 00:34:38 AM
Does this module get  tags from VM Product description or we have the insert it in your plugin one by one?
Title: Re: VM2 tags - Tags for your VM2 products
Post by: gpessoa on March 28, 2013, 01:08:23 AM
It takes more them 4 month now, and I get no answer!
Title: Re: VM2 tags - Tags for your VM2 products
Post by: nordmograph on March 28, 2013, 01:26:39 AM
Hello and sorry  for the late reply but this is not the official forum for this extension, you'd get better response asking at
This extension lets you specify exact tags for each products. It is not taken from Descreption.
Title: Re: VM2 tags - Tags for your VM2 products
Post by: Maxim Pishnyak on June 10, 2013, 20:06:02 PM
Could you compare your solution with tortags, Nordmograph?
Title: Re: VM2 tags - Tags for your VM2 products
Post by: nordmograph on June 10, 2013, 23:33:02 PM
Hi Maxim,

Unfortunately I'm might be mistaken as I'm not used to that solution. The main difference would be that VM2tags lets you specify tags as VMcustom fields content.
Title: Re: VM2 tags - Tags for your VM2 products
Post by: Maxim Pishnyak on June 12, 2013, 11:49:37 AM
Ok, thanx for your answer.
Title: Re: VM tags - Tags for your VM3+ products
Post by: nordmograph on December 23, 2015, 12:00:07 PM
Major update for our VM tags solution:

It now uses the product metakey keywords as tags.
- for this is that it integrates more easily in both the VM and Joomla search modules/plugin
- Metakey is stored in the language database table of the product so tags are now translatable 
- No cons, we provide a simple script to inmport all your old VM tags from the old custom plugin solution to the metakey fields.