Paypal API - Paypal does not allow your country of residence to ship...error

Started by anokee, February 14, 2012, 13:59:14 PM

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Hi, is there anyone who had solved this error: Paypal does not allow your country of residence to ship to the country you wish.
I had seen solution to change "address_override" => "1″, to "address_override" => "0″,.
But the problem is I'm using Paypal Api (payment processor) which does not have that configuration listed in Extra info, it is blank. It's only available in Paypal(legacy)

I'm using the sandbox mode but from some research, it does not seem like to be a factor.
1. Is there somewhere I can change this address_override option if I'm on Paypal Api method?
2. And what does address_override option do? Does it mean the shipping info will not be sent to Paypal if it's set to 0?
Any help is greatly appreciated!