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Need to add Custom Attributes and Values on Product Detail Page

Started by gldproducts, June 04, 2012, 23:11:03 PM

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I'm looking for some help. I've attached a screenshot in order to help. I'm using the latest version of Joomla V 2.5.4 and Virtuemart 2.0.6 and would like to move the Product description from the bottom to the top, as well as add some custom fields to populate to the right of the product image. I've looked around, and seen some threads, but many involved modifying core virtuemart pages, but they are referring to the older version of virtuemart.  Does anybody have a solution, or better yet a component that will accomplish this?

Thank you in advance!


Quote from: on June 05, 2012, 18:04:40 PM

Thank you for your reply, but what page do I edit? In the latest version of Virtuemart, the directory structure is different. I can't find the page to add the code in.

Genius WebDesign

It depends on wether youre using a template with styled product page or if you use the standard VM style/theme.

If you dont use a 3rd party style-theme-template for VM then you need to edit the default.php file located in /components/com_virtuemart/views/productdetails/tmpl/

Actually you should copy the file and paste it in [yourdomainpath]/templates/[your joomla template]/html/com_virtuemart/productdetails/
This will act as an override folder.

Read more here:

Of course if you are using a 3rd party styled Virtuemart theme then the path above, including the default.php file, already exists.

Oh and if you want to make multible product page designs to choose from within Virtuemart backend configuration you just make copies of the default.php and rename them whatever.php. As long as the php-files are located in the override folder /[your joomla template]/html/com_virtuemart/productdetails/  then VM will show them as options back-end.

Finally this procedure also applies to the category view and so on. In the category view example its then instead the default.php file located in /components/com_virtuemart/views/category/tmpl/     that you need to copy, paste and edit.