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Performance at Registration slow

Started by gcarne, May 26, 2014, 11:31:36 AM

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Hi Milbo,

In your reply you said " any method using another plugin ...". I assumed you meant using the plugin for the payment method I am actually using as it would otherwise not make sense. Well, I disabled all payment plugins in the Extension Manager and then in Virtuemart opened and saved the payment methods I am actually using (I haver four pament methods all using VM - Payment, Heidelpay). The payment method in the Extension Manager was then automatically enabled. My response times did, however, not improve. Still at about 30 - 40 seconds. But I also still have the same response times for the customer registration, which concernes me a bit.

I am using one of the bigger and most acknowledged hosts in Germany. The are very helpful and supportive and spent quite a bit of time with me looking at performance with me online. They checked logs, memory etc. and told me that as far as memory and other aspects everything with the hosting was fine.

My site is going live in twoo weeks time and I will somehow have to speed this up. Customers might otherwise give up on placing orders on my site an it will get a bad rep which will be difficult to repair later.

GJC Web Design

Yes - basically un-publish all payment plugins except Heidelpay

Re your server response - no one on this forum can help you if you don't provide a live link...
It is hardly likely someone will come on and say change line 34 in file xxx.php and your problems are solved

As the developers continue to write the code they always attempt to optimise it .. generally you can say the later the version the better optimised...

Your still on 2.0.something is it?  Might get an improvement by going to the latest...

But again - either you start doing some   serious degugging by looking at database calls, memery usage , I/O's etc to try and find the cause of the delay -

or -
if you want some help give a live url  - turn on all debugging and see if someone can spot something..

We have no idea what else is on your site etc - meaning comps, plugins, etc so how can anyone help further...?
GJC Web Design
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