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HSBC CPI Integration

Started by jon.hathaway, July 22, 2005, 19:28:56 PM

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Hi all,

The HSBC module was working flawlessly for the past 2 months but it's stop working now and showing this error:


Does anyone have any idea on this error? Appreciate the help.

Thanks in advance.


Hi Jass, this only shows on my system when i put in the wrong Hash Key (I found this out as i wrote the Hash Key down wrong as my hand writing is terrible lol), check with HSBC, and make sure they havent changed it without you realising.
Ian Wright
My Design agency
Design - CMS - Ecommerce – SEO

Virtuemart to Froogle / Google Base XML Feed


Quote from: jason on March 01, 2007, 13:29:48 PM
At last I got it working now, but getting this error when returning to my merchant website:

Warning: fopen(HSBC_CPI_LOG_RETURNS) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/aircond/public_html/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/html/checkout.hsbc_return.php on line 42

Anyone can help me out?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Jason
Im having the same trouble here about the billing address etc. HSBC use it for a fraud check, and if it is not there they cant do the check so just authorize the payment. How did you get it to transfer over the billing address?

I tried changing the line with the user-email in above, and it made no difference.

Many thanks
Ian Wright
My Design agency
Design - CMS - Ecommerce – SEO

Virtuemart to Froogle / Google Base XML Feed


Thanks for all the advice and coding from all concerned.  I am having a little difficulty however, and am sure its something dead simple, but I just can't figure it out.

I'm looking at a site for a client, its in Mambo at present with phpShop, however, I have recreated the site at using Joomla and Virtuemart and have just tried to install the HSBC payment system and when I try to set the payment moduel as active I get ...

"Error: Function Not Registered. changePublishState is not a valid MOS_com_phpShop function"

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance



This looks brilliant has anyone got it working on live VirtueMart v1.0.12 the code posted by da8iwr is tested for VirtueMart v1.7. Also do you need to install an SSL?


I have it working on a couple of sites using 1.0.10. Will be using it on 1.0.12 inthe next couple of days .

You do need to install an ssl certificate. This is a requirements of the HSBC.


Hi Smitje
I have it working perfectly on Joomla 1.0.12 and Virtuemart 1.0.11

I haven't tested it on VM1.1 yet, but will be setting it up on my test server very soon so i can give it a go.

Also the certificate is a little annoying as its not really needed, but HSBC refuse to work with you until you have it working.

As far as I'm aware there is nothing personal transferred from the site to HSBC apart from cart contents, name and address.

All that information is easily found on the internet or local government means (voting register) anyway, so i fail to see why they need to use a certificate.

I cant get the postcode and billing address to transfer across to HSBC with the current version i uploaded, which is very annoying, as HSBC system does a fraud check on the post code against the account details they enter in the bank admin panel. This then flags up in the sellers control panel a problem if it fails and is then the sellers choice if to sell. But unfortunately HSBC don't really care, (as we have asked them) so if you get fraud, its your problem.

When we transferred one of the sites to a new server, we didn't have the certificate working for a while, and HSBC worked perfect, the only problem is when it transferred you back to your site again from the HSBC servers, it went to a dead page, as it was looking for https:// rather than http:// that we had.

If you change the return address to anything without the https, it shows errors as soon as you are transferred to HSBC.

So a long way round to answer, but yet, you need to have a certificate lol.

Also you maybe interested in this
Its a component and module i have made that allows you to produce an RSS feed for your products and export them straight into Froogle.

I am making a free demo version right now, which will be available to download later on today. I'm just doing the bug checks with it now.
Ian Wright
My Design agency
Design - CMS - Ecommerce – SEO

Virtuemart to Froogle / Google Base XML Feed


Hi da8iwr,

I seem to recall  I had to change the shopper email address makes the billing address get sent through.

'ShopperEmail' => substr($dbbt->f("user_email"), 0, 30),


Thanks for the input - really appreciated.

That's a real blow regarding the SSL our web hosts (fasthosts) only allow shared SSL upto 10mb and only on a windows box only! So much for the SEF URLs. Not really sure how I can proceed without changing web hosts or getting a dedicated server.


Would you be able to get more ssl space if you have your own dedicated certificate?



If you want a little space send me a message from the contact page on my new world designs site below and ill sort some out for you mate.

I have a bank of co located dedicated servers which I don't use all the space, they are in data centre who are excellent. They have amazing reviews and feedback on web hosting talk, which is the only reasons i used them. I was sick of going through the cheaper companies and being let down.

For a few beer tokens i can sort out a reseller account for you, and yes you can then use SEO URLs. and are both on it, so you can see the speed.

Ian Wright
My Design agency
Design - CMS - Ecommerce – SEO

Virtuemart to Froogle / Google Base XML Feed


Ohh my hosting company sells the cirts for about £60 per year i think it is, i can get you an exact quote if you like, but it works on the whole site, not just a portion of it.
Ian Wright
My Design agency
Design - CMS - Ecommerce – SEO

Virtuemart to Froogle / Google Base XML Feed


If we could have a dedicated certificate that would be one solution to the problem, but our hosting company does not provide this option at the moment! I was hoping that we could have the main site on one server and then launch the checkout on the 10mb shared SSL but I don't think this is possible either!

da8iwr - thanks for the info (will check that out).


Just a general note for anybody

John Messingham and myself have been talking and have both agreed that for a cost of  approximately £50 we will install the HSBC payment gateway into your system and have it up and running for you.

Between us we now have the payment gateway working 100% perfect including the delivery address etc.

This is a note as we are both receiving emails etc asking for advice of why they have problems, and this is probably the simplest solution for everybody.

You can contact either of us by private message, and we can give you availability of time etc. We both charge the same, and have both done this many times before.

Many thanks
Ian Wright
My Design agency
Design - CMS - Ecommerce – SEO

Virtuemart to Froogle / Google Base XML Feed