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Need Some Help

Started by apostoloff, November 24, 2005, 15:15:39 PM

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Hi all,
I have a little problem. I have this code from my payment operator:

<FORM action="" method=post>
<INPUT type=hidden name=type value=order.form>
<INPUT type=hidden name=MIN value="">
<INPUT type=hidden name=DESCR value="">
<INPUT type=hidden name=TOTAL value="">
<INPUT type=hidden name=URLOK value="">
<INPUT type=hidden name=URCANCEL value="">
<INPUT type=image name=submit  border=0>

What I need is a payment module where the user can define:
MIN  - This is the unique ID number of the User - The Shop (Something like Paypal ID)
DESCR - This is the description of the purchase
TOTAL - must come from the sum of all products selected
URlOK - This is the web address if the order is OK
URLCANCEL - This is the url if the user declines the order.

So what I need is a payment module where all this can be defined and a function that gets the total amount and replace it in the form above.

Anyone can help?


You DO NOT want to use that payment providor if that is the only thing they want to know..

You will give away your uniq shop id to all your customers and they can (if thet wish) change the total value before they submit the payment..

The provider should have given you a private key and a algorithm for making a checksum to make sure that the payment came from your shop and has not been changed along the way..


Tell me what they say and I can explain :)