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VM products module

Started by fkang, February 25, 2018, 14:41:38 PM

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I am trying to set the VM products module so it can show for instance last product from a specific  category.
I first selected the category from the settings, but the module is displaying last products from all categories, despite my selection.
Then I notice that the category filter was set to "no". So i set to "yes", but now the module is not displayed in the front end.

Any suggestions ?


My technical info:

  • Joomla! 3.8.5
  • VM 3.2.12

Studio 42


thx for the quick feedback.
But what does that mean ? The VM modules are buggy ?


Check your publishing settings. The category filter works OK in all my sites when used.  Maybe also try featured products in case you have no valid products to show.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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Studio 42

@fkang : Virtuemart show only last from a certain date(if i remember right). My module have no limit on date for last products, the core module is not bugged but have some limitations.


There is a "Latest Products - Number of days to display" setting in VM Configuration/Shopfront. I don't know if that affects the module's display.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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so you are saying that the output doesn't select a specific VM category to show items from ?
Because that is actually my concern. I select a specific category and want to display items from only that category.

I just tested another VM instance locally. Every time I set the category filter to "yes", the module is just not displayed on the frontend


The module should display products just from whatever category is selected in the module configuration.  Works OK for me.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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turns out it works, but not when I have subcategories below the selected one...


@Studio 42
Quote from: Studio 42 on February 25, 2018, 22:52:23 PM
@fkang : Virtuemart show only last from a certain date(if i remember right). My module have no limit on date for last products, the core module is not bugged but have some limitations.

Does your module allows to get items from subcategories too ?
I find out that the problem was because I had subcategories. The VM product module do not show subcategories items


The category filter works fine for me in the default VirtueMart product module, presence of subcategories makes no difference, it always shows a product within the selected category if there is one with the correct criteria, eg featured or recently added. I am using the latest VM3.2.13.9772
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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Studio 42

YOu can select all categories you need, see screenshot


Quote from: jenkinhill on March 04, 2018, 17:03:57 PM
The category filter works fine for me in the default VirtueMart product module, presence of subcategories makes no difference, it always shows a product within the selected category if there is one with the correct criteria, eg featured or recently added. I am using the latest VM3.2.13.9772

Well, I have the treeview below :
Books -> Novel
Books -> Comics

Both categories (Novel and Comics) have 2 items

In the settings, when I select the category "Novel", I have the 2 items in the frontend. The same when I select the category "Comics"
But when I select the category "Books", the frontend shows nothing... I was expecting to see 4 items (from "Novel" and "Comics") in the frontend.

Btw way, the version you are using, is an RC. Right ?

Studio 42

No, Virtuemart product module display product from 1 category, my can display any.


This is the VM version I use:

The VM module does not display products in subcategories of the chosen category. Studio's module can have eg Books + Novels + Comics selected to show your 4 products.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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