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Discount on category applies to all categories

Started by ThijsGaublomme, April 22, 2016, 12:50:55 PM

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I've created a shopper group: Reseller.

These resellers have 10% discount on some categories.

I've setup a discount rule and linked it to the shopper group: Reseller
The discount is calculated on price before tax in the cart.
This works fine if my first added product in my cart belongs to the category in my discount setup.

If I add another product of another category first, the discount is calculated too and this is not correct.

I'm useing joomla version 3.5.1 and virtuemart version 3.0.16

If you need more info, please let me know and I'll do my best to document it with examples.

Thank you to anyone who can have a look at this.



I've tested a lot of options but I cannot seem to get it working properly.
Also with protostar template this issue is present. Think it's a bug in the checkout page of virtumart.

Does anyone know if the discount on categories of even manufacturers works properly?

Adding another price individualy per product for my shopper group is not possible because of 2 things:

1: they need to see the "normal" price on the product and have there discount taken care of in the cart
2: I have almost 6000 products (out of 10000) where this discount is applied to...

Thank you to anyone who can have a look at this.


Did try that out and for me it works. How to configure:
Create a new shopper group (reseller?). Set: on: Additional Shoppergroup. Set off Enable shoppergroup specific price display. Now create a calculation rule. Name it to whatever you want (for example reseller). Set it to published. Type of Arithmetic Operation: Price modifier before tax per bill. Math operation: -%. Enter the desired value. In Product category choose the desired category you would like to grant discount for the reseller shopper group. In Shopper group choose your Reseller shopper group. Save the configuration.



Thank you for your reply.
I did all of that.

Shopper group created like you said.
Created the rule like you said. Linked the categories and shopper group to discount rule.

It works fine, but only if my first product i order, is in the category of the discount rule.

Could you try to add a product that is not in a category of the discount and add it as first and only product in the cart?
If i do that, my first product gets the discount too.
If I add a product afterwords, which is in the category of my discount, it is recalculated and correct.

Could you do the test please?
Thank you.

I've added all my printscreens in english for my configuration.


Did try it out and I can confirm that problem. If there is nothing before in the cart and I add a product which does not belong to the calculation rule for reseller it gets the rebate inside the shopping cart page. If


I think your reply isn't complete... ends with if...  :P

I'm glad I'm not the only one with this bizarre problem.

Is there a solution to it or could this be reported as bug to fix in a new version?
Don't know how this works so...


Is there any reason, why you don't use "Price modfier before tax"?
Stefan Schumacher - VirtueMart Invoice Layouts

Please use only stable versions with even numbers for your live shop! Use Alpha versions only if you know what risk you are taking.



My reseller needs to see the normal price in the productdetails (to give the retailprice to his customer) and in the cart he gets his discount.

On the other hand, If it should work by having the discount directly in the product, but to keep my normal pricing, it's ok by me.
But never got it working properly.

See attachement:
Yellow labeled prices are the prices shown to everyone.
My reseller gets 10% off on some products where his 10% states on the red circeled price.

If I can show his product with normal discount and additional discount for my reseller it's ok, but don't think that is possible...

I also added attachement of my price setting to become the crossed "normal" price and the sales price with discount.


If you "Apply default rules" for your tax and "Apply generic rules" below that, all "taxes/discounts" will be applied, that your defined rules give for that product.

So if you have a discount for normal shoppers, and a discount for the reseller from the additional shopper group, both will be applied for the reseller, only one for normal customers.

That should work as expected.
Stefan Schumacher - VirtueMart Invoice Layouts

Please use only stable versions with even numbers for your live shop! Use Alpha versions only if you know what risk you are taking.


I have 3 tax rates...

6 / 12 and 21 %

So I can't apply default tax rules on my products.

I'm still looking for a solution to have the discount before tax at bill, that's still the best option for me and most logical.

Hope there's a solution possible for this bug. What's your opinion?


If you have unpublished categories tax 6, tax 12 and tax 21, and you link them with your tax rules, and give your products these categories, everything works well.

VirtueMart 3 is here. ;-)

Stefan Schumacher - VirtueMart Invoice Layouts

Please use only stable versions with even numbers for your live shop! Use Alpha versions only if you know what risk you are taking.


I don't quite understand your last post, could you explain a little more?

I have tried the previous post about setting my product to default and generic rules below that, but my prices were calculated wrong.
It taxes 35% in stead of 21%... don't know where that comes from.



explain a little more could be pages.

In short. I always use the generic/standard rules, whatever it is called. The meaning behind that is.

You have the "Tax & Calculation Rules", everything in there is controlled by categories, shopper groups, whatever.

So if your calculation is not right, you have to check your rules. If you have 35% instead of 21%, maybe your 12% have been added for some reason to your 21% rules, because of some rule, that might be applied to "ALL" categories/groups or so.

If you have applied 12% for a category "food" and to the category "tax 12" and your product has both groups, it will be applied two times. So to use the generic rules, it is best to disable all rules first and slowly extend it one by one. It is a whole new thinking process if you are used to the old VM2 rules. Bammm, fixed 21% VAT, bammm, my discount below, finished. You can still do that, but if you want to have a complicated system like yours, you have to make a nice drawing on a white piece of paper first and get the picture of the whole system.

Every system is different, so this is not explained easily in a "general" way.

Hope, this was not too confusing
Stefan Schumacher - VirtueMart Invoice Layouts

Please use only stable versions with even numbers for your live shop! Use Alpha versions only if you know what risk you are taking.


Now I see what you mean, but it can't work for me. (that's the reasen why i had fixed the vat per product)

In this sector it's possible to have 1 category, for example "Mass Spamming" where some products are at 12% tax and others 21% tax.
So there's no way my taxes can be handled by categories.

See the problem?

In fact, there are some more tax rules applied for customers with VAT number in European union who don't have to pay tax.
So that would be way to complicated.

In fact, all works fine with all taxes and discount rules now.

The only problem still present is the first product I add to my cart when logged in as reseller (10%discount on certain categories or even manufacturers) that doesn't belong to the category of my discount rule.

If that could be fixed, all works well for me.


I confirm that. There is a problem: Rules apply if there is a product inside the shopping cart, which has the reseller rule applied. Else every product gets the reseller rule! And it does not matter if an additional hidden calculation category for the reseller rule exists where you link all those products which rebate as additional category (just for calculation purpose)!