Their is vmError: when saving shop information? Upgraded then started.

Started by rtwmerchants, December 01, 2013, 14:04:00 PM

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Their is now a message that appears and shop descriptions will not save. I just upgrade to VM2.0.24c then it started happening. Message: vmError: Please enter a valid username. No spaces, at least 2 characters and must not contain the following characters: < > \ " ' % ; ( ) & at top of page in pink highlight. I am just trying to update some things here. What could this be?

I also have installed JSN admin that I disabled to see if it would fix it temp but that did not work either. I'd like to get it working again with out re doing all the set up and re-installing. Any help? Thanks!

I am using:

Joomla 2.5.16
PHP 5.3.27
VM 2.0.24c

Just tried and it worked to change my Joomla admin login name. I had a space and so I took that out and added underscore. But I still don't see why after a year or more that it has not had problems with it,  that it would do this.
New User Joomla-Virtuemart.