Topten products when used only as catalogue / product hits not counted

Started by eggert, February 11, 2012, 11:43:29 AM

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Hi, this is maybe not exactly a bug but I hope I'm posting this in the correct forum.

The top ten module / front page feature is showing only most sold products. When we are using the shop only as a catalogue there obviously are no sales so the topten feature is kind of useless.

Wouldn't it make sense that when the Use only as catalogue feature is selected topten module would show most viewed products?

Then there is another issue, I need to have most viewed products for a site I'm setting up and I guess it would not be to hard to implement that with either template overrides or a minor hack to products model to sort by hits instead of product_sales, BUT when looking at the database I can see that hits in product table does not count hits to product, the value is always Null. Is that a bug / missing functionality or is hits field ment for something else?

Kv. Eggert



I am also interested in using the hits field but it is not filled. So it should be possible to use this field for counting the views of the article. Does anybody has an idea how to realise this?

Many thanks in advance.
