Payment methods in list order on checkout page and image instead of text

Started by kratzi, July 22, 2012, 21:32:52 PM

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I was searching now for hours but couldn't find any simple solution for my issue.

I would like to keep the check out page as it is but want to have the payment methods and shipping methods immeadiately on the check out page. Means I would like to avoid the info "no payment selected" and the link to "/cart/editpayment" but display on the check out page a list like

- Visa Electron
- PayPal

In addition I would like to show f.e. the image of "VISA" instead of the text "VISA"

Thank you in advance




I've found the solution for the little images instead of showing text myself. What you do is just to add html code to the product description:

<img src="http://whereevertheimages are">

However I still have the issue with showing the different payment methods on the checkout page. Does anyone has a solution for that. There is no sense to have an own page just for choosing the payment method beside you have 20 different payment methods.

Thank you in advance
