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Rev. 1244 - State dropdown in greybox registration missing

Started by Preston Moore, February 13, 2008, 15:48:14 PM

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Preston Moore

J! 1.5 VM 1.1 Beta 3 - Revision 1244

Checkout type is Optional Account Registration.  When open checkout in greybox is chosen, the State dropdown box is missing.  When switched back to normal checkout, it's there (but buried under my template footer - might just be my template).

See pics attached.
Live site -

[attachment cleanup by admin]
You can pick your friends, and you can pick your code, but you can't pick your friend's code.

Preston Moore

Hi Peter,

Any ideas?  You can see in my attachment that it's not showing up....

You can pick your friends, and you can pick your code, but you can't pick your friend's code.

Preston Moore

No luck.  Changed to default template and same thing.

Can you tell me what your User Field parameters are for State?  Maybe that has something to do with it....

[attachment cleanup by admin]
You can pick your friends, and you can pick your code, but you can't pick your friend's code.

Preston Moore

FYI - Without greybox is fine with the Milkyway template too (as with my original template).
You can pick your friends, and you can pick your code, but you can't pick your friend's code.


My settings, it is the installation default.

Required?:  Yes
Show in account maintenance?:  Yes
Show in shipping form?:  No
Read-Only?:  No
Show in registration form?:  Yes
Published:  Yes

Preston Moore

You can pick your friends, and you can pick your code, but you can't pick your friend's code.


Hello Preston!

I'm so glad to finally have a chance to contribute to this forum!  I hope it's not too late. I think you're having the same problem I had.  In the Virtuemart Global Config screen, about midway down is a section called "Frontend Features"  In that section is a checkbox for Customers can select a state/region?      Check if your customers shall have the ability to select their state / region data when registering to the shop.

Check the box and the state field will appear.

Happy ShoppingCarting!

Quote from: Preston Moore on February 13, 2008, 15:48:14 PM
J! 1.5 VM 1.1 Beta 3 - Revision 1244

Checkout type is Optional Account Registration.  When open checkout in greybox is chosen, the State dropdown box is missing.  When switched back to normal checkout, it's there (but buried under my template footer - might just be my template).

See pics attached.
Live site -

Preston Moore

Thanks for the reply Merilyn, but I don't have this option (see pic).  It must have been added after the nightly build I was using.  Good to know though, thanks.

I've just been waiting patiently for the stable release (hopefully on the 31st as scheduled) before I drive myself crazy.

[attachment cleanup by admin]
You can pick your friends, and you can pick your code, but you can't pick your friend's code.