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EDIT STORE is not available in VM2 Control Panel

Started by cadsifu, January 15, 2012, 12:50:53 PM

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In VM 1.x there's an option "Edit Store" in Control Panel, to setup the Store.
I couldn't find it in VM 2.

I want to change Decimal Symbol and Points but I can't do that in VM 2.

Anyone please give some hints and guides.

Thank you...


As VM2 is vendor based, the configuration is different. "Store" information is entered under Shop / Shop where on the first tab you can enter the currency you use (and any others you may accept).

To change the way each currency is displayed go to Configuration / Currencies and open up the one(s) you require for editing. This way of doing things allows each and every currency used in a shop to be laid out as required.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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Thanks jenkinhill, its very help full for decimal symbol.