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Possible bug on tax based on shipping address and multiple states

Started by bonzo_bcn, June 14, 2010, 18:40:30 PM

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This is my tax_rate tabel:
   3    1    -    ESP    1276250954    0.1600
   6    1    38    ESP    1276527387    0.0000
   7    1    35    ESP    1276527405    0.0000

When I change the shipping address to state 38, the taxes are correct, but if I change the adress to 35 then I get the 0.16% tax.

What I found is that in ps_product, at line 1460 there is:
" AND (tax_state='$state' OR tax_state=' $state ' OR tax_state='-')";

So in my case it can either return 0.16 or 0, obviously as the state is 35, I want to have 0 tax, what I did is add the following code, that first searches for the specific state_id and then for the general state_id:
$q = "SELECT tax_rate FROM #__{vm}_tax_rate WHERE tax_country='$country'\n";
if( !empty($state)) {
$q1 = $q . " AND (tax_state='$state' OR tax_state=' $state ')";

if ($db->next_record()) {
$_SESSION['taxrate'][$ps_vendor_id] = $db->f("tax_rate");
}else {
$q2 = $q . " AND tax_state='-'";
if ($db->next_record()) {
$_SESSION['taxrate'][$ps_vendor_id] = $db->f("tax_rate");
}else {
$_SESSION['taxrate'][$ps_vendor_id] = 0;
if ($db->next_record()) {
$_SESSION['taxrate'][$ps_vendor_id] = $db->f("tax_rate");
}else {
$_SESSION['taxrate'][$ps_vendor_id] = 0;
