Product maximum purchase quantity when using string or boolean dropdowns

Started by SuperNintendoChalmers, October 08, 2015, 12:25:53 PM

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I am testing VM 3.0.10 in J 3.4.4.

I have a product that has a Minimum Purchase Quantity of 1 and a Maximum Purchase Quantity of 10. I am trying out the creation of string and boolean dropdown lists (two seperate dropdown lists) of different attributes for the product. I notice that VM does not allow more than 10 of the parent/base product to be added to cart which is good. But, if I choose some values from the dropdowns I can add more to the cart up to a max of ten for each possible combination of attributes for the product. This I do not want. Is it possible to enforce the Minimum Purchase Quantity restriction on all attributes as well? Or in other words: I want to only allow ten of the product to be added to cart regardless of which attributes are chosen?