VirtueMart Forum

VirtueMart 2 + 3 + 4 => Templating & Layouts => Topic started by: chevyvan79 on July 16, 2012, 15:13:51 PM

Title: Displaying discount (in %) in template
Post by: chevyvan79 on July 16, 2012, 15:13:51 PM

It's day 15, I'm running low on resources. I've crawled the entire internet for a possible solution with no success, yet.

I'm creating a template for VirtueMart v2.08c and I want to display the discount (in %) of a product, like a big label saying: "-50%".

Does anyone know if that's possible and how it can be done?

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Displaying discount (in %) in template
Post by: quimkaos on July 17, 2012, 10:44:11 AM
and... another one that i'm trying to do... again... does anyone knows any workaround for this?
Title: Re: Displaying discount (in %) in template
Post by: inopia on July 17, 2012, 15:15:09 PM
Ei, in this thread i´ve post the way to do % discount.

but tomorrow i will post an efficient way to do this :)
Title: Re: Displaying discount (in %) in template
Post by: chevyvan79 on July 18, 2012, 08:52:45 AM
Thanks inopia,

I had a look at your code and It's actually 1 simple calculation for the discount. Just calculating the discount on the fly. :) Simple, but effective.

I'm going to use your solution.

Thanks, again. :D
Title: Re: Displaying discount (in %) in template
Post by: quimkaos on July 18, 2012, 16:19:51 PM

i'm going to test this later on!
Title: Re: Displaying discount (in %) in template
Post by: chevyvan79 on July 18, 2012, 16:21:52 PM
Hi guys,

I found another solution by myself. All the discount of a product information is stored in the $product->prices['DATax'] array.

Obtaining the discount information of a product:
Product Discount Rule Name: $product->prices['DATax'][0][0]
Product Discount Value: $product->prices['DATax'][0][1]
Product Discount Math Operation (like "-%"): $product->prices['DATax'][0][2]

The product discount value will return something like "25.970", if you want to display this as "-26%", you can use this line of code:
echo '-' . round( $product->prices['DATax'][0][1] ) . '%';

I hope this helps!  :D
Title: Re: Displaying discount (in %) in template
Post by: chevyvan79 on July 19, 2012, 09:00:56 AM
Hi again,

As addition to my last reply I want to add that there are 2 types of discounts.

DBTax: Discount Before Tax: $product->prices['DBTax']
DATax: Discount After Tax: $product->prices['DATax']

But, I guess half of you already knew. :P
Title: Re: Displaying discount (in %) in template
Post by: inopia on July 20, 2012, 15:34:13 PM
Well. I promise a better solution.

First, changes on administrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/currencydisplay.php

* function to create a div to show the prices, is necessary for JS
* @author Max Milbers
* @author Patrick Kohl
* @param string name of the price
* @param String description key
* @param array the prices of the product
* return a div for prices which is visible according to config and have all ids and class set
public function createPriceDiv($name,$description,$product_price,$priceOnly=false,$switchSequel=false,$quantity = 1.0){

// vmdebug('createPriceDiv '.$name,$product_price[$name]);
if(empty($product_price)) return '';

//The fallback, when this price is not configured
// echo 'createPriceDiv empty($this->_priceConfig[$name] '.$name.'<br />';
//This is a fallback because we remove the "salesPriceWithDiscount" ;
$name = "salesPrice";
$price = $product_price[$name] ;
} else {
$price = $product_price;
} else {
$price = $product_price[$name] ;
/* if(!is_double($price)){
// vmdebug('Price is not double? ',$price);
$price =  'Price is not double? '.$name.'<pre>'.print_r($price,1).'</pre>';
} else {
$price = $price * (float)$quantity;

//This could be easily extended by product specific settings
$vis = "block";
$priceFormatted = $this->priceDisplay($price,0,(float)$quantity,false,$this->_priceConfig[$name][1] );
} else {
$priceFormatted = '';
$vis = "none";
return $priceFormatted;
$descr = '';
if($this->_priceConfig[$name][2]) $descr = JText::_($description);
// vmdebug('createPriceDiv $name '.$name.' '.$product_price[$name]);

// ==
// Añadimos código
// ==

// Comprobamos que sea un descuento
if ($name == "discountAmount" && $vis == "none")
// Si el descuento está vacío (discountAmount) (display: none). Obtenemos una cadena vacía en lugar de un div
return "";

// Si hay descuento y queremos mostrar el precio con impuestos (PriceWithTax)
if ($name == "basePriceWithTax")
// Comprobamos que haya descuento
$vis = "block";
//Vamos a darle formato al precio
$priceFormatted = $this->priceDisplay($price,0,(float)$quantity,false,$this->_priceConfig[$name][1] );

// Existe descuento y mostramos el precio con impuestos (PriceWithTax) y aplicamos los nuevos estilos
$css = "red";
return '<div class="Price'.$name.'" style="display : '.$vis.';" >'.$descr.'<span class="Price'.$name.' '.$css.'" >'.$priceFormatted.'</span></div>';
else {
$priceFormatted = '';
$vis = "none";
return '<div class="Price'.$name.'" style="display : '.$vis.';" >'.$descr.'<span class="Price'.$name.' '.$css.'" >'.$priceFormatted.'</span></div>';

// ==
// Fin código
// ==

return '<div class="Price'.$name.'" style="display : '.$vis.';" >'.$descr.'<span class="Price'.$name.'" >'.$priceFormatted.'</span></div>';
} else {
return '<div class="Price'.$name.'" style="display : '.$vis.';" ><span class="Price'.$name.'" >'.$priceFormatted.'</span>'.$descr.'</div>';


Second, add a new function to currencydisplay.php

* @author inopiaDesign
* @param number $discount
* @param number $price
function createDiscountDiv($name,$descr,$discount,$price){
$descripcion = JText::_($descr);
$css= "discount";
return '<div class="Price'.$name.'">'.$descripcion.'<span class="Price'.$name.' '.$css.'" >'.($discount*100)/$price.'%'.'</span></div>';

Well, we´ve finished with currencydisplay.php

We start with template views:

Category View: templates/your_template_name/html/com_virtuemart/category/default_products.php

Go to the Output Price DIV

<?php // Output product Price
if ($this->show_prices == '1') { ?>

<div class="product-price" id="productPrice<?php echo $product->virtuemart_product_id ?>">

<?php if( $product->product_unit && VmConfig::get('vm_price_show_packaging_pricelabel')) {
echo "<strong>"JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_PRICE_PER_UNIT').' ('.$product->product_unit."):</strong>";
if(empty($product->prices) and VmConfig::get('askprice',1) and empty($product->images[0]->file_is_downloadable) ){

//todo add config settings
if( $this->showBasePrice){
echo $this->currency->createPriceDiv('basePrice','COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_BASEPRICE',$product->prices);
echo $this->currency->createPriceDiv('basePriceVariant','COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_BASEPRICE_VARIANT',$product->prices);
echo $this->currency->createPriceDiv('variantModification','COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_VARIANT_MOD',$product->prices);

//Comprobamos descuento.

if ($this->currency->createPriceDiv('discountAmount','COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT',$product->prices)) 

echo $this->currency->createPriceDiv('basePriceWithTax','COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_BASEPRICE_WITHTAX',$product->prices); 


echo $this->currency->createPriceDiv('discountedPriceWithoutTax','COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_DISCOUNTED_PRICE',$product->prices);
echo $this->currency->createPriceDiv('salesPriceWithDiscount','COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_SALESPRICE_WITH_DISCOUNT',$product->prices);
echo $this->currency->createPriceDiv('salesPrice','COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_SALESPRICE',$product->prices);

echo $this->currency->createPriceDiv('priceWithoutTax','COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_SALESPRICE_WITHOUT_TAX',$product->prices);

if ($this->currency->createPriceDiv('discountAmount','COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT',$product->prices))

echo $this->currency->createDiscountDiv('discountLabel','COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_DISCOUNT_PER_CENT',$this->currency->formatNumber($product->prices['discountAmount']),$this->currency->formatNumber($product->prices['basePriceWithTax']));
echo $this->currency->createPriceDiv('taxAmount','COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_TAX_AMOUNT',$product->prices); 

<?php ?>

Open product view on templates/your_template_name/html/com_virtuemart/productdetails/default_product.php

<?php // Output Product Price
if ($this->show_prices and (empty($this->product->images[0]) or $this->product->images[0]->file_is_downloadable==0) ){ ?>

<div class="product-price" id="productPrice<?php echo $this->product->virtuemart_product_id ?>">
if ($this->product->product_unit && VmConfig::get 'price_show_packaging_pricelabel' )) {
echo "<strong>" JText::'COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_PRICE_PER_UNIT' ) . ' (' $this->product->product_unit "):</strong>";
} else {
//echo "<strong>" . JText::_ ( 'COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_PRICE' ) . "</strong>";

if(empty($this->product->prices) and VmConfig::get('askprice',1)  ){ ?>

<a class="ask-a-question bold" href="<?php echo $url ?>" ><?php echo JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_ASKPRICE'?></a>
<?php }

if ($this->showBasePrice) {
echo $this->currency->createPriceDiv 'basePrice''COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_BASEPRICE'$this->product->prices );
echo $this->currency->createPriceDiv 'basePriceVariant''COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_BASEPRICE_VARIANT'$this->product->prices );

echo $this->currency->createPriceDiv 'variantModification''COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_VARIANT_MOD'$this->product->prices );

//Comprobamos descuento.
if ($this->currency->createPriceDiv('discountAmount','COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT',$this->product->prices)) 
echo $this->currency->createPriceDiv('basePriceWithTax','COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_BASEPRICE_WITHTAX',$this->product->prices); 


echo $this->currency->createPriceDiv 'discountedPriceWithoutTax''COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_DISCOUNTED_PRICE'$this->product->prices );
echo $this->currency->createPriceDiv 'salesPriceWithDiscount''COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_SALESPRICE_WITH_DISCOUNT'$this->product->prices );
echo $this->currency->createPriceDiv 'salesPrice''COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_SALESPRICE'$this->product->prices );
echo $this->currency->createPriceDiv 'priceWithoutTax''COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_SALESPRICE_WITHOUT_TAX'$this->product->prices );
//Calculamos %
if ($this->currency->createPriceDiv('discountAmount','COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT',$this->product->prices))
echo $this->currency->createDiscountDiv('discountLabel','COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_DISCOUNT_PER_CENT',$this->currency->formatNumber($this->product->prices['discountAmount']),$this->currency->formatNumber($this->product->prices['basePriceWithTax']));
echo $this->currency->createPriceDiv 'taxAmount''COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_TAX_AMOUNT'$this->product->prices ); ?>

<?php ?>

We´ve finished with views.

Editing language ini file:

If you want use my solution, add COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_DISCOUNT_PER_CENT on ini language file.

In my case, i´ve decided use images against text. If you want to use images you must write like this:

COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_DISCOUNT_PER_CENT="<img src='../images/stories/example.png' width='10' height='10' alt='Example Image' />"

If you use "" inside html sentence you get some errors when it is parse. Use simple ' '.

Well. I´m finished.

[attachment cleanup by admin]