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How do I set up a Joomla menu item with Virtuemart search results??

Started by Genius WebDesign, July 29, 2014, 00:45:42 AM

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Genius WebDesign


This has probably been discussed before, but I have not found any clear answer yet..

I´m using the latest stable version of Virtuemart, v.2.6.6 and most things are nice and tidy, but I really would like to create a landing page for my product search result with its own menu item ID associated to it, to obtain nice and tidy SEF URLs and for assigning modules etc. to search result page only.

As it is now the search result URL looks something like this:

What I would like to do is to make the Virtuemart search result page look something like this:

How can I achieve this, how do I create a system menu item tied to the Virtuemart search results?

Genius WebDesign

Well, I found the solution, and of course it was quite simple..

I created a Joomla menu item for Virtuemart front page and called it "Search results" with alias "search-results"
Now the Virtuemart search queries go to this page:

I can now generate a perfect search result by typing this URL example:

It doesn´t get much cleaner than that, and now I can easily setup Webmaster Tools with this search mechanism.
In my case I do not use the "front page" layout for anything, so it will only be used for search results.

In most other cases I guess it would be better to call the menu item something similar to "Shop Front" with alias "shop-front" and then use it for it´s designed purpose, as a shop front page.

MAD King

Joomla! 4.3.4
VirtueMart 4.2.4 10922


Hi, is there another solution for this please? As does not work for myself. The Virtuemart frontpage displays as - 'Front page (Deprecated! Use 'Category Layout' instead)' and tried with the 'category layout' using alias 'search-results' with no luck.

Joomla! 3.9.21
VirtueMart 3.8.4


Hi! I'm having the same issue.

This is the site I need to fix this (, the issue is that any search points to a VM category so the SEF url is really confusing, because looks like the search performed on specific category, when it does in the entire shop.

For example, if I search for the keywords "velas de soja" I get this URL,1-32.html?keyword=velas+de+soja&limitstart=0&option=com_virtuemart&view=category&Itemid=1778 and this is the screenshot "search-results.jpg" of that search result

I have created a hidden VM category menu item pointing to no category with ID 2111, I have written that Itemid on the VM search module in the set_itemid module params but the search results keep pointing to the URL mentioned above.

Is there any chance I can get the search results point to a nice SEF url like


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