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fatal memory error - after update 2.0.22a [solved]

Started by slammy, August 18, 2013, 10:58:05 AM

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Hi jjk again,

man thank you for so much help! I just call with 1und1 and there is no Limitation at dedicated-servers for memory-limit, it´s only limited by server-ram and a smart Setting. The Support adviced me and - I apologize - I have overseen a Setting in 1und1 backend, where I can set server-variables and other Settings. yesterday, the Setting was at 128 MByte Memory_limit. I just edit it to 256 MByte and restarted the server. I will go through the update-Prozess to 2.0.22a again and will get back here and report and if so, mark this thread as solved ..., hope to get it done with that setting.

Thank you again for all your tipps and hints,
regards jens


Quote from: slammy on August 19, 2013, 10:01:34 AM
I just edit it to 256 MByte and restarted the server. I will go through the update-Prozess to 2.0.22a again and will get back here and report and if so, mark this thread as solved ..., hope to get it done with that setting.

Ok I´ve done it again with confirmed 192 MByte and restarted Server and php 5.4 ...

I have deactivated all extern extensions or plugins, remains the same like yesterday

What I got is:

Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 192413696) (tried to allocate 65484 bytes) in /homepages/25/d253685392/htdocs/libraries/joomla/database/database.php on line 513

You can see that almost 192 MByte´s are in use, then it breaks off.

The fatal error appears by different processes. Some category-views function properly, others run into fatal memory error. Same with manufacturer, if I click show all products from XY.
There are categories with subcategories they work, others witout yes and no. I can´t  find out what rules are behind ...

The frontPage of vm is affected when I check "Show latest products". Checking "top ten" or "special prods" does not affecting the error.

hm, going back to 2.0.14 and jml 2.5.14
Think I give up for now and wait for the next sr to try all again.   :'(

Thank you all for your great help!
If anybody of you is affected too, let me know if you have a solution for  this.

What I else did see in 2.0.22a, it seems that the order-rules from vm-backend for categories are again damaged. I saw this in one of my working categorys .
If I choose "show late edited first" it doesn´t work and oldest products showing up first. I remember this is an old issue long before 2.0.14.  Maybe it´s good for you to know ...

best regards jens

Maxim Pishnyak

Quote from: slammy on August 19, 2013, 16:02:34 PM
Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 192413696) (tried to allocate 65484 bytes) in /homepages/25/d253685392/htdocs/libraries/joomla/database/database.php on line 513
Could you give me a link to the page with this issue?
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Could you give me a link to the page with this issue?

Hi Maxim, of course: ist
But the problem is, this is a live-site and of course I had to revive sr vm 2.0.14 again. Are you online now? I could install again but I can´t keep it up for long time cause it´s prod Website (I know, never work on prod - but I am familiar with shell and linux so it´s a thing from 5 minutes to revive backups ... )

Live is at 2.0.14 and everything works fine


Something else I just noticed at the link to your live site in your first forum post about this problem is, that you are loading 2 different versions of JQuery (1.6.2 and 1.6.4) from the external Google api. You should eliminate one of them in order to avoid javascript conflicts. Personally I'm using the VM jQuery only. Loading stuff from Google often takes too much time.

Did you ever test the update on your own PC, i.e. using xampp?
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Quote from: jjk on August 19, 2013, 16:56:22 PM
Something else I just noticed at the link to your live site in your first forum post about this problem is, that you are loading 2 different versions of JQuery (1.6.2 and 1.6.4) from the external Google api. You should eliminate one of them in order to avoid javascript conflicts. Personally I'm using the VM jQuery only. Loading stuff from Google often takes too much time.
Aah, thank you jjk. I uncheck and use vm query now. Think I tried something and forget to uncheck in vm-backend. Do you think this could be the reason for fatal memory error?

Did you ever test the update on your own PC, i.e. using xampp?

aehm, shame on me. Before vm2.0 I used a test-environment on another hosting. After Migration to vm 2.0 I really gave it up and forgot about it ...
I think I will give xampp a try.


Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


have you tried JUST simply turning off error reporting


Quote from: PRO on August 20, 2013, 02:48:09 AM
have you tried JUST simply turning off error reporting

Result is white blank screen then

Maxim Pishnyak

Quote from: Maxim Pishnyak on August 19, 2013, 16:32:44 PM
Quote from: slammy on August 19, 2013, 16:02:34 PM
Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 192413696) (tried to allocate 65484 bytes) in /homepages/25/d253685392/htdocs/libraries/joomla/database/database.php on line 513
Could you give me a link to the page with this issue?
Could you install web shop into your subdomain or in a folder?
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Could you install web shop into your subdomain or in a folder?

glad to hear from you Maxim that you would take a look at it! Thank you. I will prepare everything under a new folder, with a second database on the same server, so environment will be the same -  but it will take until friday cause I´am at a fairtrade next two days. Will get back to this thread when everything prepared, thank you!

Maxim Pishnyak

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Hi again,

It has left me no peace and I did various further tests and have news, I think I found the Problem:

@jjk: thanks for the tipp with xampp, easy and fast!

I give first here a short summary of this thread:

VirtueMart 2.0.14
Jml 2.5.14

Update to 2.0.22a and of course I test 2.0.22b too

What Happened after update:

different fatal Memory errors occurs in Frontend (Backend not affected!) e.g FrontPage, some (not all!) category-views, productdetailpages (not all) and some manufacturer-product-overviews (Not all) (manufacturer Detail page -> Show all products from manufacturer). I spent some time and first I couldn´t get a clue what rules are behind the appearing of this error, but now I´ve found it:

If I unpublish all product-variants from their parent products in a category-view, all category-views working fine again -> no fatal Memory error :) (and precisely these ones which did not work before!) -> If I publish a single product-variant in a category, the fatal memory error occurs again when browsing this category.

I hope this is a useful Information. I do not know if I´ve done something wrong creating these variants or misconfigured something ... if you visit the livesite suite9 de, you can see that variants are displayed in the categorys and everything working fine, e.g 

The "search" costs me some time, I don´t know if I am ready on friday with the testsystem if one of you developers would like to take a look at. I need some more time to prepare everything.

What I else (besides how to solve this) would like to know is, if someone can reproduce this error and/or is affected by this error too.
best regards


you may give me BE access and I can take a look. Please provide also a product with variants (BE editing link).
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