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Echo something in order done page

Started by pm4698, June 12, 2016, 09:29:44 AM

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Hello there.

I user joomla 2.5 and vm 2.6.10.

I need to echo products included in cart to the order done page.

I see that inside order-done.php i have this:
echo $this->html;

I also found that inside plugins/vmpayment/standard/standard.php there is the class that echos this html for standard (not-paypal payment method).

Now, if inside this file i do somethink like:

foreach($this->cart->products as $product) {
$wantedpricecart =  $product->product_price;
$wantedproductid = $product->virtuemart_product_id;
$wantedproductquantity = $product->quantity;
$orderdone .= '"' . $wantedproductid . $wantedproductquantity . $wantedpricecart . '"';
$html .=  $orderdone;

I get nothing. If i do this:

$html .=  'Hello test' . $orderdone;

in order done page i see only the Hello test text and no $orderdone value. Its like my foreach is never read

Any ideas?