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account activation link problem

Started by rafipl, March 17, 2012, 19:58:54 PM

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i've removed the activation link because i've only got problems with that emails with a link that never worked in activation ...
Now my site got 70% spam users and 30% normal users...
i cant find a solution to have a spam check in VM registration url ( index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=user )... :-/
VM V. online: J2.5.14 | VM 2.0.20a | SQL 5.1.70 | PHP 5.3.25


I had the same activation link problem. It worked only when I manually added www to the activation link.
Finally did what Bedrock suggested. Not exactly nice, but efficient.

Thanks Bedrock!

"I think you make www as alias, that is wrong"
I don't get it. Can you please elaborate on this assumption?


I'm using joomla 2.5.7 / VM2.0.10 all this tricks doesn't worked for me. I tried in crhome/ie/firefox with and without www but the result is all the same: verification code not found. I tried to do other things that I found in other forums until now unsuccessful. I consider this a serious issue in Virtuemart 2. When I was looking for how to fix it I noticed that since the beginer of the year people is talking about this, so, if anybody could help me, I appreciate.


The solution provided gave me some problems and I made the following change. I did some tests and it works correctly

if(strpos(JURI::root(), 'http://www') === false){
   $modifiedlink = str_replace ("http://","http://www.",JURI::root());



Hi but why you don't post the solution here?

Regards Jopl



I think problems come from virtuemart, here is why

After an user complete registration virtuemart automaticaly login this new user , even if you have set account confirmation.
Basically if the user ignores the message about activation, can move on to complete payment without activate account

I verify user status immediately after registration and surprise, JFactory::getUser()->guest return 1 and in the same time JFactory::getUser()->id return userid.
Also I verify user manager in admin area but there are no logged in users  :o
Virtuemart practically see the user is logged in, but sees not logged in Joomla

I do not think it's normal for Virtuemart to log a user whose account is not activated yet, so I think the problem is still somewhere in the Virtuemart files


Quote from: paping on September 26, 2012, 04:23:10 AM
PM me for solution.. i got it :)

Hi @paping, why don't you tell how much you want to get pay for sharing our fix? obviously that's what you want, otherwise, please share your fix, we will all thank you deeply.


I don't know if it's the right solution and still testing.
But after I read all the info above, I went into my cpanel/redirects and made a

301 forward
from http://(www.)?
www redirection: only redirect with www
Wildcard redirect

And it seems to be working now... but I fear the day I will install https...


well... after having tested randomly while testing my overall website, it seems that sometimes it works, sometimes not... so I'm still in the vague.
Does anybody have the solution?


So ... and now ... is there a solution?
When is the bug fixed?
I have the same problem


COME ON VIRTUEMART PROGRAMMERS!!!!  This is a Serious issue and needs solved NOW! 

We appreciate the fact you guys created such a thing and we all obviously like to use virtuemart, but please throw us a bone here.  If you're working on something at least tell us so, and if you have a workaround until an actual fix is in place, let us know. 

In attempting to do half of these workarounds we see on the forums....either they don't work for all versions or the user doesn't explain ALL locations to change the code.  Very very hard to follow if you're not a programmer.  So detail is important. 

Not trying to piss anyone off, but I know more than just me out there, are also frustrated.  Please take action and respond to our post!!


Quote from: Giorgio34 on October 11, 2012, 22:09:47 PM

I think problems come from virtuemart, here is why

After an user complete registration virtuemart automaticaly login this new user , even if you have set account confirmation.
Basically if the user ignores the message about activation, can move on to complete payment without activate account

I verify user status immediately after registration and surprise, JFactory::getUser()->guest return 1 and in the same time JFactory::getUser()->id return userid.
Also I verify user manager in admin area but there are no logged in users  :o
Virtuemart practically see the user is logged in, but sees not logged in Joomla

I do not think it's normal for Virtuemart to log a user whose account is not activated yet, so I think the problem is still somewhere in the Virtuemart files

Yes everything else works fine in Joomla 2.5_. So this is in the VM code somewhere.. And I also feel that it has something to do with during the VM registration process, right after the user presses "register" they are taken  to a profile page and at the top are told that an email has been sent, yet just be;ow that it shows that they are logged in. But, they are not logged into Joomla. Only VM2. And if they go to the joomla login, of course being confused, they then get the error "Login Denied" Your account has either been blocked or you have not yet activated. Of course half the time no email was sent, and if you look in the back end of VM2 they are in fact blocked by default. So here we are ending the year soon and nothing.........Hmmmmmmm


in .htaccess add (or to active) this rule
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}   ^youdomain\.com [NC]
RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.yourdomain\.com
RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L]

Best regards

Joomla! 2.5.9
Virtuemart 2.0.18a


I've got a SPAM user, bot or something else, making 3 / 4 times by DAY registrations ...
And no solution to solve this because we dont have a captcha solution to apply in Virtuemart User Registration Form  :'(
VM V. online: J2.5.14 | VM 2.0.20a | SQL 5.1.70 | PHP 5.3.25