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[SOLVED] Make VM modules visible in subcategories, product details, etc.

Started by lipixx, December 02, 2011, 02:04:25 AM

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Hello all!. I have a little question.

I would like to make the VM modules like the  VM - Category or VM - Shopping Cart modules to be shown in certain sub-pages of VM2.

For example, I have a link to a VM category list where when I click on a category, all the products of this category are shown. In the Category List page accessed through a menu the module "VM - Shopping Cart" is visible
because in the  module configuration page I choosed to show it in the corresponding menu entry.

Ok, now I want that when in the specific category page, where all the products of this category are shown, the module "VM - Shopping Cart" were also visible. If I select in the module configuration: "Show on all pages", the module appears. But I want only to show in certain pages + in these specific VM pages.

How can I do that? I tried the extension "advanced module config"  as said in another post, but It does not help.

Thank you!.



I made a mistake. In the menu I set the link to Virtuemart as an Virtuemart Category Layout and not as a link to the VM2 Homepage. Changing this solved all my problems.