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When cloning a product with custom field img it does not clone the custom fields

Started by cas, November 24, 2011, 08:13:43 AM

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It is not working AGAIN!
First of all, I get following error in the custom fields: "vmError: The field with id 9 and title Size is not longer valid, please delete it from the list"

The I clone a product with custom fields - the new product lost all his custom fields!
I thought this was the purpose of the update?

Also the plugin is not working like it should and no clear manual can be found.
I have a simple thing to make, a color list with drop down ... can you explain in a couple of words how to do this? Stockable Variants is not doing it ...
I'm very disappointed, like some other users here :(


And the plugin 'stockable variants' is cleaning the variants list when applying or saving it :/


I just tested version com_virtuemart.2.0.1.b

- Cloning a product with custom fields is still not working.
- Plugin 'stockable variants' still cannot save its variants ... list is empty each time I save or apply
- Option 'cart variant' is back, but unusable since you cannot clone products ...


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any idea when this could be fixed?
looks like I'm impatiented, but I need it urgently ... if not soon I'll have to use version1, but I'll have problems with the update later.


Updated to VM2.0.1.d and it still does not clone custom fields when cloning the product. 


I must admit, I thought we fixed it even before releasing 2.0.1, but seems only for the childs.

I prefer to use childs, they make it much more pattern like.
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Hi Milbo,

Patterns are good, but if you don't need inventory control and all the extra complexity around setting up and maintaining children, custom fields are a simple way to handle lots of product attributes, especially attributes with images.  Take a look at my products and tell me how using product children for all these hair color options would work as easy as it does with custom fields:

Anyway, the new VM2 custom fields with images are a great improvement over VM1, so thanks for all the great work!  Now please just get them to clone and we're all good. :)




So funny, we repaired the clone,... then we made it so that childs inherit the customfields from the parent and added for that an extra checkbox, which defines if the child is overwriting the displayed customfields. This checkbox is was not set in the cloning process. One line fixed it.

But I hear in your answer, that you missunderstand what I mean with child concept.

You create one product as the pattern, with the customs you need, like dropdown for size,.. images or so.... Then when you create a child, you see the stuff of the parent and you can overwrite it. You shoud try it.

Because when you want to change something later, you must change all products, in my model a lot can done via the parent.
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Interesting... I'll give that a try and see how easy it is.  Thanks for the tip!

Will the custom field clone fix be in the next release 2.0.1.e?


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i'm develop new custom plugins but i have a problem with cloning product function (com_virtuemart.2.0.1.N).
The custom fiels is duplicated on _virtuemart_product_customfields table but values are not duplicated on my custom table.
Any approach to do that? so also custom field "data" are duplicated? i don't see any function to implement to do that on vmCustomPlugin
