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[fixed]Error 500!

Started by Tee shot, September 15, 2011, 14:10:39 PM

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Tee shot

I was about to uploarder a picture of virtuemart and when I confirmed I had a 500 error, since the site is more accessible and I get the message:

The server hosts three other sites without any problems for the moement 2 with joomla.

this message in the file error_log :
Quote[15-Sep-2011 13:33:11] PHP Fatal error:  Cannot access protected property VirtueMartViewCart::$_name in /home/teeshotw/public_html/pessacnatsynchro/libraries/joomla/plugin/plugin.php on line 102
[15-Sep-2011 13:35:56] PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function getProduct() on a non-object in /home/teeshotw/public_html/pessacnatsynchro/components/com_virtuemart/views/productdetails/view.html.php on line 79

it's urgent the whole site is down.



the site is still down because a picture would not upload?

Tee shot

apparently yes, the other sites works perfectly, I put an index.html file and it works, I do not know what to do!

same server


disable the cart module and see what happens
Cannot access protected property VirtueMartViewCart:

^^^ that seems like its from the shopping cart module

Tee shot

I do not have access to the admin, except the html and txt to the root nothing works.

I do not have access to the admin, except the html and txt to the root nothing works. What I do not understand is that the frontpage is not virtuemart and the link to the shop is special access. So the rest should work.


could be an htaccess problem, have you tried disabling it?

Studio 42

Can you copy/paste your server logged errors ?

YOu can try to rename the folder mod_virtuemart_cart (add a simple - for eg.)
Then joomla dont find it, but this don't break your site

If you dont have acces to administrator folder, in many case t's not a problem with .htaccess but you can try to rename it to

Studio 42

For what i can see it's as the server don't find your joomla directory. Can you look in your server setting(provider account or linux setting) if the alias are correct ?
The 500 error seems to come from apache not from joomla.

Tee shot

That's all for now :

Quote[14-Sep-2011 14:31:13] PHP Fatal error:  Cannot access protected property VirtueMartViewCart::$_name in /home/teeshotw/public_html/pessacnatsynchro/libraries/joomla/plugin/plugin.php on line 102
[14-Sep-2011 14:31:15] PHP Fatal error:  Cannot access protected property VirtueMartViewCart::$_name in /home/teeshotw/public_html/pessacnatsynchro/libraries/joomla/plugin/plugin.php on line 102
[14-Sep-2011 14:31:23] PHP Fatal error:  Cannot access protected property VirtueMartViewCart::$_name in /home/teeshotw/public_html/pessacnatsynchro/libraries/joomla/plugin/plugin.php on line 102
[15-Sep-2011 13:32:08] PHP Fatal error:  Cannot access protected property VirtueMartViewCart::$_name in /home/teeshotw/public_html/pessacnatsynchro/libraries/joomla/plugin/plugin.php on line 102
[15-Sep-2011 13:32:18] PHP Fatal error:  Cannot access protected property VirtueMartViewCart::$_name in /home/teeshotw/public_html/pessacnatsynchro/libraries/joomla/plugin/plugin.php on line 102
[15-Sep-2011 13:32:34] PHP Fatal error:  Cannot access protected property VirtueMartViewCart::$_name in /home/teeshotw/public_html/pessacnatsynchro/libraries/joomla/plugin/plugin.php on line 102
[15-Sep-2011 13:33:08] PHP Fatal error:  Cannot access protected property VirtueMartViewCart::$_name in /home/teeshotw/public_html/pessacnatsynchro/libraries/joomla/plugin/plugin.php on line 102
[15-Sep-2011 13:33:11] PHP Fatal error:  Cannot access protected property VirtueMartViewCart::$_name in /home/teeshotw/public_html/pessacnatsynchro/libraries/joomla/plugin/plugin.php on line 102
[15-Sep-2011 13:35:56] PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function getProduct() on a non-object in /home/teeshotw/public_html/pessacnatsynchro/components/com_virtuemart/views/productdetails/view.html.php on line 79

since nothing

YOu can try to rename the folder mod_virtuemart_cart (add a simple - for eg.) : but it made ​​no difference
.htaccess  : but it made ​​no difference

directory called synchropessac, I'll look and ask the host to check


Tee shot

Oooouuuuufffffff save !!!

I found, it incomprehensible, the directory was pessacnatsynchro chmod to 777, 755 and I put it back. How can a directory chmod change alone? I had no ftp connection in progress and I was in the admin about to upload a image on article virtuemart.

thank you for helping me! I was a little panicked

Tee shot

I just do the same manipulation by choosing to replace the image and my site
was again 500 error, I had to reset the chmod to 755, a bug?

Studio 42

Studio 42

Can you test same upload, directly with Joomla?

Tee shot

not just select the administration to replace an image, back in the admin:

File /home/teeshotw/public_html/pessacnatsynchro/images/stories/virtuemart/product/resized/maillot_front.JPG uploaded
File could not be deleted
Échec de la suppression de pessacnatsynchro
Product successfully saved

Studio 42

Tee shot.

Peut tu faire le teste de transfert avec joomla pour voir si le bug provient bien de virtuemart ?
Et vérifier si tu as activé le mod FTP sur ton site.
