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No download email is send for free download-able product.

Started by aravot, February 25, 2011, 23:49:04 PM

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No download email is send for free download-able product or download activated.

By free I mean when a product price is 0 Zero.



Not yet, but it has been reported in the tracker and it will be fixed as soon as possible. As usual, if anyone can suggest a fix, it will be welcome.
Francesco (zanardi)
@gibilogic on Twitter


I just made some tests and i have to disagree. The issue is different: when i complete an order of 0, it still remains in "pending" status, while it obviously should be put in "confirmed" status.

But if i manually put the order in "confirmed" status, the e-mail message is correctly sent. Can you confirm this?
Francesco (zanardi)
@gibilogic on Twitter


The problems started after Revision 2552:

Task# 167: orders equal to 0.00 but customers still get sent to PayPal


Joomla 1.5.22
VirtueMart 1.5.8

I am experiencing the same problem as of yesterday.

I have successfully used this function for nearly a year and have a free downloadable file that has gone out several thousands times without needing to be manually flipped from pending to confirmed.

Once set to confirmed - you are correct that the email can in fact go out - If I select "Notify Customer". Making me think that the problem is in the status failing to change to confirmed as it should - not the email sending routine.

I am also starting to think that the problem is somehow tied to the Standard Shipping module and I am curious as to whether chetanmadaan is using using the same module.

For the last year I have sold only downloadable files. I am going into distribution and I am currently working with my site to make it Reseller friendly as I now need to offer both downloadable products to web users and Shippable Cd's to resellers.

I made four changes to my website just before this problem began. The free file was not touched as it's availability will remain only by download.

Those changes were:

The first was creating an Attribute I called "Format" for each of my products (other than the Free downloadable product).

The second was creating two children for each product. One is a downloadable product and the second is a Shipped CD product.

The third was attaching the download files to the child that was set up to offer the downloadable files.

The fourth was that I used the standard shipping module to create 4 shipping prices.

Additionally, I have verified that all files will fail in the same manner if a coupon or gift certificate is applied and brings the balance to $0 .

Please let me know if there are any tests you wold like me to verify for you.



Quote from: aravot on April 06, 2011, 17:58:05 PM
The issue is fixed in SVN.
hello aravot
what does that mean for us?
the bugreport sais it's fixed for 80% and will be fixed in 1.1.9

Quote from: LindaM on April 06, 2011, 16:33:17 PM
I am also starting to think that the problem is somehow tied to the Standard Shipping module and I am curious as to whether chetanmadaan is using using the same module.

I have the same impression, because with 1.1.5 I allready had this bug, when i had paypal as only payment method.
but when i activated a second payment option the bug was fixed.
from 1.1.6 on this trick didn't work anymore


the fix has been committed to SVN, it just needs additional testing which will be done with a 1.1.9 BETA package. For you convenience, i attached to modified files:
- classes/ps_checkout.php
- themes/default/templates/checkout/get_final_confirmation.tpl.php

[attachment cleanup by admin]
Francesco (zanardi)
@gibilogic on Twitter


Thank You for the fix. I installed the two files and my orders are now going to "Confirmed" as expected.

Your fix is working for both my file that is FREE and files that have had a coupon code applied to them to reduce the amount due to $0.00.

Thanks again,



Francesco (zanardi)
@gibilogic on Twitter


works fine!

that is, with minimal 2 payment methods activated.
if paypal is the only payment method, the customer is led to the paypal site where he is asked to pay 0 €, while his order stays pending.

i hope you can fix that too, since in my site:
paypal is the only payment-method (normaly)
but now i have to activate another (fake) option like wexpay