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CIM Integration supported or not?

Started by kenquad, November 08, 2010, 21:44:43 PM

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I read on this  thread that CIM integration is possible, even easy, but the thread linked to as support doesn't seem to provide a clear answer.  Additionally, someone who is apparently a VM developer states here (last post in the thread) that CIM support may be coming 3rd quarter 2010 (which would mean it's here by now I guess).  Just wondering if anyone knows whether or not the CIM integration can be done in VM 1.1.5?  Thanks.


I answered my own question by getting in touch with the gentleman who posted in the second thread to which I linked above.  He is a third-party developer whose company is looking at doing a CIM module in the near future.  Obviously, the feature is not supported by the core  :)