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Billing Information fails to display if Country is NULL

Started by tez, June 09, 2009, 14:11:34 PM

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I didn't want the huge country list on my Registration Form, because the shop only delivers to one country and everyone who registers is assumed to be from that country.

How can I disable the Country field, without it defaulting to NULL on registration? It doesn't work.

When you go to checkout, you see missing data. As in the attachment. If the Country code is added to the user account, then the data shows up.

I can work around it by forcing a default country value in the database and setting not_null, but this is a bug.
Also on shipping step you get an error if the shipping module expects a country.
Warning: stristr() [function.stristr]: Empty delimiter in ...administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/shipping/standard_shipping.php on line 286

[attachment cleanup by admin]


set a customer's user_info Country to null.
try checkout with 4 step checkout


NULL country causes address not to be displayed in checkout, therefore Cannot omit country from Registration form. Even though it uses the shop country as default for State selection (which works) it does not save the country at registration.

VirtueMart Version:

Joomla/Mambo Version:

Steps to replicate:
set jos_vm_user_info->country to null
set all checkout steps on
add product to cart, checkout
see Billing Information review page, address details will be empty.

Proposed fix(es):

Bugtracker task #:

System info:


I could not duplicate your issue, unpublished country registered new user without country (no country to select since it is unpublished) and user info do show.


Ahh, thats why it wasn't any billing information showing.

Got the same problem, under admin -> Manage User Fields -> country, then enable -> required, published, show in registration form, show in account maintenance.

Vola, you got billing information...

If you disable it, it doesn't work. 



First at all, english isn't my first lang. so, please excuse.

I had this issue too, to solve edit the field on phpmyadmin, look for your database then find this table jos_vm_order_user_info open it structure, edit the field "country", unmark the NULL thing and set default as you wish (put country_2_code).

This is not the best solution; when you change some user fields its retake it's default behavior.

This should work only for inland customers.

good bye!!