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VirtueMart 1.1.4 Release Candidate

Started by aravot, May 28, 2009, 01:06:54 AM

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I checked the bug tracker and cannot find Task #2599, that's the only major problem i am having now and would like to know how to fix it while waiting for the update to come out.
I don't believe, therefore it does not exist

Joomla 2.5 VM 2.0.2


Ok, did some more testing with the RC1 of 1.1.4. The Tax situation on the backend is better but from what I have found still needs work. The tax calculation is only working if I change the number of units of products that have already been ordered. If I add a new product, or change the sale price the tax calculation resets back to 0.00. Also, not sure whats going on with the front end but I have tax set based on shipping address. Once the user logs in the sale price changes to include the tax rate for that product. On page four the subtotal includes the tax and theres a total tax number at the bottom. Its not adding it together but still is confusing. In the image note that the retail price is set at 50.00 and the tax rate is 5%.

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Here is product list pagination fix for Admin Backend. Seem to be a Javascript issue when more then 21 products in the list view?

in file com_virtuemart\classes\pageNavigation.class.php

replace line 149 (1 line) that reads:

Quotehtml .= "\n<li><a href=\"#$i\" class=\"pagenav\" onclick=\"javascript: document.adminForm.limitstart.value=$page; document.adminForm.submit();return false;\"><strong> $i </strong></a></li>";

to (2 lines - if you are using SSL then replace http with https)

$html .= "\n<li><a href=\"http://$pageURL&limitstart=$page\" class=\"pagenav\"><strong> $i </strong></a></li>";


can VM 1.1.4 work with Joomfish?

By now VM1.1.3 need some hack to work with Joomfish. I hope VM1.1.4 solve this problem.

So if I overrdie VM 1.1.3,which is ok with Joomfish now, can it still work fine?


Here's patch for vm 1.1.3 work with joomfish,
But still have problem on translation payment method active status.

Hopefully in 1.1.4 release we don't need hack vm.

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Christopher Wilkinson

Any news regarding the development / release date of 1.1.4 ?

Fernando Soares


VirtueMart 1.1.4 Stable release was announced today!!!

Thanks to all developers and contributors!!!

Fernando Soares - Joomleiros Brasil!
Espeshitpillta em Joomla! e VirtueMart

Ben Borges

Quote from: BlazedStar on July 12, 2009, 07:06:21 AM
I'm running the new virtuemart 1.1.4rc build and every time I access my product details page, I encounter the following error...

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/public_html/site_name/components/com_virtuemart/themes/vm_theme/templates/common/product_type.tpl.php on line 30

Apart from this error, everything seems to be perfect. Please help solve this issue. Thanks.

Any update on this issue since i have same exact problem in the stable release version 1.1.4 of virtuemart ?


Can not duplicate it, are you getting the exact same error? If so you are using custom theme and you need to update the files.


my clients have the same error showing up:
AND state_2_code=''' at line 1 SQL=SELECT * FROM jos_vm_state WHERE country_id= AND state_2_code=''

How to fix this in the database?



I have one issue regarding Virtuemart 1.1.4. Issue is:

when I clicks on 'add to cart' button, instead of going to checkout page, it goes to virtuemart browse page, mean main/front virtemart page. It happens only on some products. Other products are working fine.

Plz resolve this asap.



intel1 create a thread on your problem