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UPS Module v2 Error

Started by wivelden, February 12, 2009, 21:13:55 PM

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I have a little problem with the UPS v2 module.
Running Virtuemart 1.1.3 and oomla 1.5.9.
On localhost the module works fine but on the test online server I get the following errors with DEBUG mode on:

Debug: Starting Shipping module: upsv2
Debug: class.Shipment::addPackage() Adding a new bundled package
Debug: Using the cURL library for communicating with
Error: couldn't connect to host
Error: Internal Error processing the Request to

Now I just bought a new domain name and set it up so I am wondering if it has not had enough time yet to pickup on their servers yet or is this nothing to do with it?


Well even today its still the I really would like some help on solving this..


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