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SORT bug!

Started by Voice, November 09, 2008, 17:52:26 PM

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I have "Joomla 1.5.5" with "VM 1.1.2. Stable" and when I try to sort (alpha, price, date - no matter) VM-engine makes pages quantity the same as goods quantity. I think the problem is in limit box, because it uses the same <form> as sort dropdown list but values of limit box are links and not the real limit values which can be processed. As result when I choose sort type, all form values transfers and $limit variable takes incorrect value, which looks like



Anybody know how can I solve this problem?


If I remember correctly, this bug improved a little bit with one of the recent nightly builds, but still didn't disappear completely. I'm currently using build number 1555, which you can download here:

With this build this kind of sorting error still appears if the number of products to show in the frontend is set to 5 in the drop down list. If you choose a higher value (10,15,20,...), it disappears.

By the way - you should update your Joomla version too, in order to prevent something like this:


Just noticed that "zpirnar" found a fix for this problem which seems to work. See
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