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Product Description can't be saved

Started by dino00, July 04, 2008, 12:18:55 PM

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As per title the product description inside a product can't seem to be saved. I've tried with no editor at all as well as with 2 html editors but to no avail.


Hi Peter.

I'm using Joomla 1.5.3 and VM 1.1.1. Can you check it on the newest version and see if it works? I double checked and the problem is always there no matter what browser or html editor I use


The only difference between VM 1.1.0 and VM 1.1.1 is the patch updater, but just to make sure I tried it with v1.1.1 was able to save.


Thanks for checking Peter and sorry for wasting your time on this one.
Where should I post about this problem? Have you any idea on what might be causing it? (I migrated from VM 1.0)

Edit: Checking things a little better it seems that I can't save anything on update item. Strange thing


This has been an issue for me as well, and i have seen it referenced on other forums. the editors (some of them) seem to delete my product information entirely when I go to make an edit. I conformed this by checking the DB tables ad behold its removing the info from the database..
For now I just use no editor when in the virtuecrap section.


Quote from: Sublimetime on July 07, 2008, 04:32:50 AM
For now I just use no editor when in the virtuecrap section.

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