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Admin layout problems

Started by Joomla-Israel, April 10, 2008, 22:52:57 PM

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Since last week we have been working on RTL version of VM 1.1.0 RC3
While working on the project we are testing the component with two most popular browsers, IE7, FF2 in screen resolutions 1024x768 and 1280x1024

As for now the following bugs/problems were detected:

  • In menu "Manage User Fields" the table is too wide for 1024x768 resolution and in IE7 it is wrapping down below the side menu
  • The same problem is with "Shipping Module List"
  • The following construction "<span class="sectionname">Shipping Module List</span>" is used to set a heading in menu "Shipping Module List" but the style "class="sectionname"" isn't set anywhere. In other cases tag <h2> is used.
  • In menu "Help" the item "About" is wrapping down below the side menu

There are a lot of problems with <textarea> width in various pages:
1. "Configuration" - "Store Information" - the <textarea> width should be narrowed so that it would work with 1024x768 resolution in Simple Mode
2. "Payment Method Form" - "Configuration" - the <textarea> width should be narrowed. 90 cols is enough instead of 120
3. "Export Module Form" - "Configuration" - the <textarea> width should be narrowed. 90 cols is enough instead of 120
4. Add category - "Category Information" - the <textarea> width should be narrowed. 500px is more suitable instead of 800px

Other problems that appear in RTL only are directly connected to JS scripts used in the component.
For example:

- Tooltips. It is not clear why your own Tooltip library is used instead of the one that already exists within Joomla? In any case, your library works perfectly well in LTR layout but in order to use it within RTL environment we have to make some changes in JS itself. It means we will no be able to use a standard component package applying the set of RTL CSS styles only. Insead, we will have to change JS files as well.

- ExtJS library. I have already written that this version of the library (1.1.1) used in the component doesn't support RTL at all and it would prefferable to use the newest version (2.0.2) of this library not only because it is more stable and faster but also because it includes RTL support.

The most painful problem is outdated ExtJS library (v1.1.1).
The most UI of Admin panel is based on it. This version (v.1.1.1) implements dynamic tabs and layouts output by means of tables.
The new version (2.0.2) is based on the usage of semantically correct methods that allow more flexible positioning of the elements with the help of CSS for LTR page versions as well as RTL versions.
Also, outdated version of ExtJS library don't work well in IE6.

It would be great to see these problems solved when the stable version of VM 1.1.0 arrives. - Leading Israeli Joomla Provider


Thank you for the detailed report, we are a little bit short handed and are in last stage of code checking but will try to implement the changes.

Joomla-Israel - Leading Israeli Joomla Provider


any idea how to fix the tabs layout problem when switching to RTL?