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Wiki Doc out of date :: SVN build_scripts

Started by websnail, April 10, 2008, 00:52:20 AM

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I've just realised why it is that I've had such a nightmare trying to get hold of the SVN version and build an installable version.

It seems the documentation here:

... and in the 1.1 dev guide (PDF) too

... is out of date quite significantly...

There are no longer any build scripts in the SVN version but instead a very important "HOWTO.txt" which is up to date but requires a fair amount of re-reading to understand.

Can I suggest that someone does a little wiki and doc editing to bring this lot up to date... I went down quite a few blind alleys until I tried a methodical "read everything, believe nothing" approach.


Quote from: aravot on April 10, 2008, 01:11:30 AM
We are looking for help, if you want to write docs or correct wiki, let us know.

Well I can certainly re-write that bit now... :).. Not sure how you set perms on here but PM/Email me with whatever I need to get on the wiki and I'll sort it when I get a second or five..