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Lightbox and large image display

Started by xyzbytes, April 07, 2008, 22:09:12 PM

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I'm running Joomla 1.5 and VM 1.1 RC3 and the lightbox working on the large images is hit and miss. For the most part, it will open up the large image without any effects. I found that if I click on it a second time it usually will load correctly.  I'm testing my template to see if it is related.

Any one else having this issue?



i haven't had a problem with lightbox


Which flypage are you using?  Are you using a commercial template from a source like Rockettheme?



I also got problem with lightbox/slimbox. I'm using a modified version of lightbox 2 on my live shop 1.0.14. I tried slimbox before only made trouble.

The modified version i use today from - lightbox 2 will make sure a big image will  fit into  the size of
the web window (if you don't make it too small :) and it even work with IE 6

I use the default template comes with virtuemart and I want to know where I can change the lightbox 2 code.


Quote from: aravot on April 10, 2008, 05:28:35 AM
This is VirtueMart 1.1
If this was a comment to me, I'm running vm 1.1 on my test server, so my problems are there not in 1.0.14 (I solved it there).


Quote from: roysv on April 10, 2008, 01:27:33 AM
I also got problem with lightbox/slimbox. I'm using a modified version of lightbox 2 on my live shop 1.0.14. I tried slimbox before only made trouble.

In your post you mentioned 1.0.14, anyway I don't have any problems with lightbox, maybe it is template related.


Here you can see the different if you make your browser smaller

virtuemart 1.0.14 (Lightbox 2 patched)

Virtuemart 1.1 (core)

I've also added pictures from production and develop running IE 6.

I don't think it has anything to do with the template - I has to do with the version of lightbox used in vm 1.1.
The pictures I've added are showing the same experiences I've had when I tried slimbox as an addon to joomla alone.

[attachment deleted by admin]

[attachment deleted by admin]



I'm having the same problem. Lightbox is nice, but the lightbox used in VM 1.1.0 can't be configured. It always shows the full size imagen, and it seems to be more practical to resize the image depending on the visitor screen resolution.

Will be nice to have the possibility to change this behaviour.

It happens in both Joomla 1.0.15 and Joomla 1.5.3.

Thank you very much and if anybody has a solution, will be nice to hear it :-)


Where can I get lightbox and/or the code for the flypage product?


I think I came across this recently and figured that it was a conflict of mootools that where included into header two times - by template and by virtuemart.
So I suppose this is the issue you have here, only if you are using mootools in template permanently. Joomla by default is not including mootools if you load virtuemart page.

My fix was to turn off Virtuemart mootools completely as I have whole set included by template already.
If you want to fix that just go to administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/htmlTools.class.php
and comment lines like that:
function loadMooTools( $version='' ) {
global $mosConfig_live_site, $vm_mainframe, $VM_LANG;
if( !defined( "_MOOTOOLS_LOADED" )) {
// if( $version  == '' ) {
// $version = 'mootools-release-1.11.js';
// }
$vm_mainframe->addScriptDeclaration( 'var cart_title = "'.$VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_CART_TITLE').'";var ok_lbl="'.$VM_LANG->_('CMN_CONTINUE').'";var cancel_lbl="'.$VM_LANG->_('CMN_CANCEL').'";var notice_lbl="'.$VM_LANG->_('PEAR_LOG_NOTICE').'";var live_site="'.$mosConfig_live_site.'";' );
// $vm_mainframe->addScript( $mosConfig_live_site .'/components/'. VM_COMPONENT_NAME .'/js/mootools/'.$version );
$vm_mainframe->addScript( $mosConfig_live_site .'/components/'. VM_COMPONENT_NAME .'/js/mootools/mooPrompt.js' );
$vm_mainframe->addStyleSheet( $mosConfig_live_site .'/components/'. VM_COMPONENT_NAME .'/js/mootools/mooPrompt.css' );

define ( "_MOOTOOLS_LOADED", "1" );


No problems after that