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Continue Shopping Missing In Cart

Started by ezflyeruk, April 01, 2008, 18:01:08 PM

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I have searched the forum (for hours) and seen that others have had the same problem going back a few years.

When I go to the cart <continue> shopping is missing. If we click <update> it returns.

I am using 1.1.0RC2 (I thought I'd installed RC3?) and Joomla! 1.5

If this bug has been around for so long there must be a solution?

If it's a no then I'll move on.. ;)

Any help?




By <Continue> you mean <Continue Shopping> if so in VirtueMart 1.1 when you add a product to cart there is a popup screen with two options Continue or Cart, if you choose Cart, <Continue Shopping> option will be displayed in shopping cart section if you choose Continue and than go to cart the <Continue Shopping> option won't be available.


Hello Aravot

many thanks for taking the time to respond.

Quote from: aravot on April 04, 2008, 18:34:56 PM
By <Continue> you mean <Continue Shopping> if so in VirtueMart 1.1 when you add a product to cart there is a popup screen with two options Continue or Cart, if you choose Cart, <Continue Shopping> option will be displayed in shopping cart section if you choose Continue and than go to cart the <Continue Shopping> option won't be available.

Ok - I have tried this and it is how you say - although the pop-up only displays for a few seconds (can you confirm if this is this normal).

When I click <continue> in the pop-up it goes back to the product description (can you confirm if this is this normal) - I feel it would be better after clicking <continue> to get taken back to list of product categories - can this be done?

Also why can't we have the <continue shopping> button in the cart window regardless of how a user gets there - I mean if we select <show cart> the continue shopping button is not there. I think it should be and would allow users to go back to shopping at any point.

If anyone can explain the logic behind this I'll accept it - if not perhaps this is a small tweak that needs to be considered by the very excellent developers..

Kind regards,



I agree with you ezflyeruk, this would be a good modification. It makes little sense to sometimes have the 'Continue' there and other times not.

Funny though, I'd not noticed this before. I had to check my old site to make sure this is how it's always been.


VirtueMart 1.1 is code freeze, we only fix bugs until VM 1.1 stable, to me this works as intended, if needed we can change this after VM 1.1 stable or post a how to.


This is clearly not a bug, but I would be interested in seeing the default behaviour changed in future versions.
In the meantime a how-to would be useful (but after the release - I don't want anything to hold that up!).



er... the problem stilll not fix?
is anyone have the tutorial?


Is there any way to redirect the shopper directly to the checkout page when they hit "add to cart" and bypass the popup?


Quote from: drcoach on December 02, 2008, 01:13:51 AM
Is there any way to redirect the shopper directly to the checkout page when they hit "add to cart" and bypass the popup?

Please search the forum or read the manual it has been asked and answered many time.

Goto Admin -> Configuration -> Site (tab) -> Layout -> Configuration -> Use Ajax to add, update or delete products from the cart?


Thank you so much.  I'm sorry to have asked a question that was answered many times, but in all honesty, I did search quite long and didn't find the answer.  Your answer was perfect