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[FIXED] Admin Layout Non-functional

Started by praeter, January 13, 2008, 15:50:09 PM

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Graphic 3

ah okay, hey aravot, how you doing bud?  glad to see your back in town...  i'm having problems with the admin as you can see... if you need to try to understand what is causing this.. you can use my admin panel or have access to my ftp so maybe that can help your progress in the development. Just let me know will be obliged to assist
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Graphic 3

also to do a manual install w/ the lastest build.. do i just put all the modules in one folder and the comp in one? and then put in the root of my site.. and add the rest of the url like on 1.0  ?

b/c when i installed like that before it worked but i was the earlier nightly build
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Hey all,

First of all. Thanx for all the work to develop VM!!!  ;D

I still got the layout problem with 1247. I'm using Joomla 1.5 stable and VM 1.1 build 1247.

I changend all the folders to 777 and all the files to 644. Both admin and public.

What to do? ???



Hey guys,

I still got this problem:

Administration Layout Non-functional. Both Simple and Extended Layout look like the attached picture.

Because the "layout" (i might be something else) is not working properly, I can't add a product. The Layout looks the same as in the picture, but with the add-product properties at the bottom and no tabs.

The development add-on of FireFox gives the following error (product_desc is not empty when I try to save):

Error: document.getElementById("product_desc") has no properties
Line: 215

System info:

  • Linux 2.4.21
  • PHP 4.4.8
  • MySQL 4.1.14 (utf8_general_ci)
  • Joomla 1.5.1 (fresh installation)
  • Virtuemart 1.5 Lates Nightly Build (fresh installation)

I have seen it working properly on an other Linux with php 4.4.0. But i don't think thats the problem.

Can somebody help me with this please?



You have posted this in the resolved section???

Permissions that work for me are 755 for directories and 644 for files, and this is for /components/com_virtuemart and adimistrator/components/com_virtuemart
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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Quote from: jenkinhill on February 24, 2008, 11:45:07 AM
You have posted this in the resolved section???

Permissions that work for me are 755 for directories and 644 for files, and this is for /components/com_virtuemart and adimistrator/components/com_virtuemart

Thnx. That worked for me. I think I accidentally (5 times) did 777 in stead of 755.

Sorry for the "mis-post".



Hi, i've the same problem as robert101083: "Administration Layout Non-functional. Both Simple and Extended Layout look like the attached picture"
I set permissions to 755 for directories and 644 for files for /components/com_virtuemart and adimistrator/components/com_virtuemart through Filezilla, but it don't worked for me.

joomla 1.5.0
vm 1.1 rc
php 4.4.7
mysql 5.0.22
apache 2.0

Any suggestions?

[attachment cleanup by admin]

Mike C

This issue is not resolved. I experienced the same problem and then painstakingly went through and CHMOD all the files and folders to what they're supposed to be and it did nothing to fix this problem.


It did work for me.

Probable not brilliant shell scripting but for those who are even less experienced on unix (probable Linux), go to your components/com_virtuemart and administrator/components/com_virtuemart directories and do:

find . -type f|xargs ls -l|grep rwxrwxrwx|awk '{print $9}'|xargs chmod 644

There are always 1000 ways to do the same thing so please don't start about style and things like that. Using this can save a lot of time for some people.


Mike C

lex, not a clue what you're talking about there..  Where/How does one "and do:" your command?


Just a quickie to thank jenkinhill for persistent explanation. I had no thumbnails and was thrashing about with file permissions so went for long walk, read the posts carefully and...
- set com_virtuemart and its sub-dirs to 755 and
- set all files in com_virtuemart to 644.


Mike C

That's not a fix for everyone, didn't work for me, tried it multiple times. :(


Just a little help for the shell, and I'm truly not saying the other is wrong, its just this is a little easier and shorter to do.

Ask for advise from your hosting company if you don't understand this or don't use it at all, if you shag things up in shell, you shag it all up completely in a HUGE way.

Command to change the permissions for all directories to 755
Quotefind . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
Command to change the permissions for all files to 644
Quotefind . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

Now a few simple hints to use shell
To move up a directory (into a sub folder)
Quotecd directoryname

To move down a directory towards the root of the server
Quotecd ..

to list the files and directories where you are right now

To print the working directory address (where you are right now)

So if you navigate using them simple tools to the website files, inside the public_html folder and do the first 2 lines of code I wrote, it will chmod every directory to 755 including all sub directories of it to
Quotefind . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

And all files to 644 in that directory including all sub directories of it to
Quotefind . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

It means even the image folders are locked including the cache folder, so just manually uncheck the ones you want later on, but the website will work fine with them locked. I personally leave all directories on 555, which means nobody, including the server, can write to that folder, but it will still read and execute perfectly well, allowing the website to work normally.

This only causes a small problem if you're adding images or other files, nothing else, but of course you can manually lock and unlock the ones you need such as product image directories after you have finished working on the site. So if a hacker manages to add in a php filemanager/explorer script, they can not add any other files to any directories even with php upload.

The reason I'm here, is because I'm having issues with VM 1.1RC2 and J1.5, every time i click add to cart, i get
QuoteFatal error: Cannot redeclare class vmlanguage in /home/lighthou/public_html/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/languages/english.php on line 18
And the cart isn't updating, does anybody know why?

Everything else appears to be working spot on mind you.
Ian Wright
My Design agency
Design - CMS - Ecommerce – SEO

Virtuemart to Froogle / Google Base XML Feed


Actually after going on about all that, i forgot i made a flash tutorial a while back showing how SSH and Putty works :)

Ian Wright
My Design agency
Design - CMS - Ecommerce – SEO

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