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[NOT A BUG] Correct utf-8 entry in Category but messed up in Product

Started by dorjano, January 30, 2008, 04:02:41 AM

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I'm using utf-8 with J! 1.0.13. I have correctly set language files and J! is correctly set-up. When I'm adding a category the names are correctly written do DB and are later correctly displayed. but this is not the case with a product. My suspicions goes to product.product_form.php since it handles entering data. But it seams that somehow it cuts out the non ANSI characters like ČĆŠĐŽ.
But when I manually enter the correct characters directly to the product tabel in DB then I get a correct representation.
Oh yeah I'm running VM 1.1 rel. 1198, all tabels are collated utf8_unicode_ci.

Am I alone with this problem?


As a sample you mean text like this:

Category could be: Čarobna hišica
Name: Hišica na žarečem drevesu
Description: Hišica na čarobnem drevesu je knjiga, ki vas bo popeljala v fantazijski svet šamanov, đedijev, šošolov in žverc.

I would really like to show you a picture but the upload folder seams to be full :(
Hope the given text will help.

Thanks Peter for your help. yo are my hero :)



Ooooh, now I'm angry >:( . How do yo do it, or better what do yo do? I'd tried everything even playing v character set of a input forms.
Well it seams after all, that something wrong with my package (php+apache+J!+VM). I'll try a full fresh installation.

Thanky very, very much for your time!