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[NOT BUG] Adding 0 product should not be allowed

Started by aravot, September 05, 2007, 05:01:33 AM

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When trying to add 0 product or not selecting a child product a message is displayed (see image) however the message has the option to add to cart, once the add to cart button is pressed 'Your cart is currently empty' message is displayed (see image), I think the add to cart button shouldn't be there if no product quantity or variant is not selected 


Then that would have to happen for all pages.

With the add to cart with child lists with one add to cart you can select 0 to clear a product in the cart. Because in this mode it updates the cart, it does not add.

You would also have to many inline js to test for none 0 quantity to enable the addtocart button. The message is quite clear. You have to have a quantity to add a product variant to the cart, it is just a tip. You selected add to cart but you didn't enter a quantity to add.

By the way the message does not have "an add to cart button" it has a button to display the cart!
All of My old mods are now available on my website.
Mark Callf Designs

If you like the work I've done for VM please fell free to Donate

Please Note: I am no longer actively developing or involved with VM development.


My previous post still applies!

Just because you haven't select a product variant or actually added anything to the cart, you may have other items in your cart. So thae ability to display the cart from here is still valid.

All of My old mods are now available on my website.
Mark Callf Designs

If you like the work I've done for VM please fell free to Donate

Please Note: I am no longer actively developing or involved with VM development.