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[UNDER REVIEW] VM 1.1 r1046 - vmRedirect() - install.virtuemart.php - line63

Started by Replika, November 19, 2007, 14:32:11 PM

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After I tried to update this version, when go to com_virtuemart, it says undefined fuction vmRedirect().
I think we need include ps_main.php in install.virtuemart or admin.virtuemart


:) I updated to r1046 and I'm using J! 1.5 rc3.

I update by replacing all changed files, so it includes install.php. I checked the code, it has function for checking if virtuemart is installed, so I left this file there.
Next, In administrators, when go to com_virtuemart, it first directs to admin.virtuemart.php (?)
I still have file install.php on the server, so it runs virtuemart_is_installed() (LINE 54)
That function has vmRedirect(), but is not defined yet because admin.virtuemart.php (and install.virtuemart.php) does not include ps_main.php (where vmRedirect() is defined)

Maybe i'm wrong, please check.