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unable to enable new user account with email if use google chrome browser

Started by maurov, January 16, 2020, 21:03:33 PM

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Joomla! 3.9.14 and VirtueMart 3.6.10 10211
for my test I've installed joomla (base version) without other components or plugin.

When someone try to registerend and checkout in order to complete his buying, the system send an email for activation account.
If the browser used is Google Chrome teh link doesn't work and redirect the page to the home without account activation.

If the browser is Mozilla or Microsoft edge or explorer the link working properly and the account will be activated!

Someone can help me???? Chrome is the most common Browser and this bug is penalizing for the correct use of the program.

GJC Web Design

1. why would you want to make a client activate their account? You will loose a huge percentage of your clients.
I run many ecommerce sites and spam buyers are extremely rare if ever..

And if it was spam so what.. better to have the sale from the 99.9% that aren't spam and will fail to go thru the silly activation... .
And what stops the spammer from activating?

2. the activation is Joomla -- not VM -- so head to the Joomla forum
GJC Web Design
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I agree with you that it is better not to activate the account,
BUT this it is a VM feature! 
unfortunatelly my customer wants to activate this feature and my role is to try to find a fix.

The problem is not Joomla, authentication via joomla works well with all browser!

The problem is VM, because if you try to activate the account during the purchase phase, the functionality does not work if the browser is chrome.

It's realy easy to verify this bug.  Thanks for advice but I need help in order to give an answer to my customer.



It is not fix, is features nad bad features for ecommerce too.

Nad is is features not function, because google has new requirements were caused by google chrome and the customer has to pay for the new version of functionality.

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