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Question regarding mobile thumbnail quality

Started by oodya, January 17, 2019, 13:02:07 PM

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I am wondering if someone can help please?  When I browse my website using my mobile, when I click on a product category and it shows the images of the products, the image quality is appearing to be slightly blurred.  Upon clicking on the product, it looks perfect.  I have 'Enable Dynamic Thumbnail Resizing' enabled.

I am running VirtueMart 3.2.14 on Joomla! 3.9.2.

Any ideas?

Thank you.

GJC Web Design

the thumb is identical every where .. so if alright on desktop and fuzzy on mobile is either because of being wrongly resized by the phone or it is more obvious because of the much higher pixel count on phones
GJC Web Design
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I see your point.  What is the best way for it to show as being sharper on both?

Thank you,

Studio 42

You should verify the thumb sizes in VM config and in your cateogry page, perhaps you should use bigger Thumbnail Resizing.