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Issue with facebox image

Started by Budrys, July 06, 2018, 13:41:34 PM

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I have issue with popup facebox image - it is not shown.

In code i have src for that image with "undefined" at the beggining.


Do you use an extension like for example JCH-optimize? It i´might cause some scripts to load in the wrong order. You may also try different settings in VM configuration > tempate tab > Activate Css Styles & Javascripts.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?

Studio 42

And try with default protostar template, to check if this is a template problem.(add ?template=protostar or &template=protostar at end of your URL)


I don't have any extensions.

The same issue is with Prostar template and with VM javascript.


If the problem is on your website, you are loading fancybox, the old facebox and JCE media box. So there probably is a conflict. On pages where the fancybox doesn't work correctly, reloading the page by pressing F5 makes it work. I think you should try to disable facebox and perhaps also the JCE media box if you want to use Fancybox.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?

Studio 42

I rememeber now the problem.
The parameter virtuemart site url is loaded later it's why you get undefined and not base site url.
Use fancybox, because i mean that the dev team do not maintain and test facebox code